No wonder cops are so quick to use weapons

Yea it's bull shit but that's the way it is some places.

Some of the cops in my classes say it has gotten so bad with the tazer it's almost useless to carry it.

The same with an asp, you can not hit to the head or any joint. It is very restricted where you can hit.

I'm a Border Patrol agent and I can confirm what you said about the tazer--we actually had a mandatory training a few months back detailing pretty much what you said--if you deploy the tazer, and they fall down and hit their head on the pavement and die (which has happened), the courts will view it as lethal force and the officer will need to explain why he felt the crime was serious enough that it was worth the suspect's life. Officer intent doesn't matter, only the result.

Needless to say, we all kinda looked at each other like "WTF" and a lot of guys stopped carrying the tazer altogether.

Same goes for other less-lethal weapons, of course.

It's interesting, though, because cops (such as Darren Wilson) have repeatedly been cleared of wrongdoing for shooting unarmed attackers.

So essentially, the court is telling officers to use lethal force instead of less-lethal force.
Bad idea from what data I've gathered most cops have a bad mentality they know how to shoot, chase you in a car, and read you your rights but that's about it. They first must be human then learn combat technique or they rape and take advantage with there new skills.
lol most of you guys would literally freeze from fear if someone attacked you, then curl up in the fetal position and pray for the abuse to end.

real talk