no gi judo???


Brown Belt
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys, I've been interested in taking judo for a while now. Well, today I went to go check out a judo place close to my house. As I was watching, I noticed nobdy gi on. I was really confused, the people there were just wearing shorts & t-shirts. The instructor told me & my friend that they teach judo gi & no gi. Has anybody heard of this or seen judo with no gi? I must admit I was pretty interested though. Mainly cause I dont like wearing gi (i do no-gi bjj).

Anyway, what do you guys think of this? I'm plaining on taking it because I have school coming up and my bjj is real far from where I live & cost 115 a month where this judo place is only 60 a month. I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts.

whate the name of the school and who is the teacher?
Sauron said:
whate the name of the school and who is the teacher?

Dont know the name of the teacher but the school is called Top Judo Center or something like that.
ask around the judo forums on

it could be a mcdojo or legit, how is the gi judo?, that should be the most important aspect as if the gi is poor then you can imagine the nogi.
Sauron said:
ask around the judo forums on

it could be a mcdojo or legit, how is the gi judo?, that should be the most important aspect as if the gi is poor then you can imagine the nogi. huh, I'll do that. I didnt get a chance to see the gi judo. I'll be going back again to check out though.
In the Yukon, we're beside the state of Alaska, only me and three others have ever taken even a single BJJ class, so everybody here that grapples is Judo. Still, I was surprised when I saw that 2 of the clubs here do regular No-Gi classes. The explanation is that for self defense, you need to be able to fight somebody who might not be wearing a jacket or a sweater. ( Although this far north, that is a very small possibility! )
Dedicado said:
In the Yukon, we're beside the state of Alaska, only me and three others have ever taken even a single BJJ class, so everybody here that grapples is Judo. Still, I was surprised when I saw that 2 of the clubs here do regular No-Gi classes. The explanation is that for self defense, you need to be able to fight somebody who might not be wearing a jacket or a sweater. ( Although this far north, that is a very small possibility! )

Yukon huh, I live in Alaska.
Gene LeBell has started a revolution!

Judo can be effective without the gi and if they do teach both, there's problem no harming in going to the classes and learning how to throw people around without using clothing.
Superbeast said:
Gene LeBell has started a revolution!

Judo can be effective without the gi and if they do teach both, there's problem no harming in going to the classes and learning how to throw people around without using clothing.

Ha! I was hoping you'd read my thread. Yeah, thats one of the reasons I want to take no-gi judo. To be able to throw people without using clothing
Like Sauron said, ask around about the instructor and the school first.

Take a trial class if you can.

But overall it sounds pretty good, as long as they don't neglect groundwork.
Bmonk said:
Like Sauron said, ask around about the instructor and the school first.

Take a trial class if you can.

But overall it sounds pretty good, as long as they don't neglect groundwork.

yeah, im taking a free class today.
phenomfan1529 said:
yeah, im taking a free class today.

enjoy it and gain from it

its even better since its free you cheapskate
alright guys, i just got back from my free trial class. it was only an hour but is was pretty cool. i was impressed with all the throws they were doing without gi. i was surprised we did a lot of groundwork too. overall it looks like a good school.
phenomfan1529 said:
alright guys, i just got back from my free trial class. it was only an hour but is was pretty cool. i was impressed with all the throws they were doing without gi. i was surprised we did a lot of groundwork too. overall it looks like a good school.

Sounds like a good school.

Stick with it.
Wow sonds like a progressive Judo school. Wish there was a place like that here in Sac. From what I've seen our Judo is very traditional (I've heard it's good though).
Ybot said:
Wow sonds like a progressive Judo school. Wish there was a place like that here in Sac. From what I've seen our Judo is very traditional (I've heard it's good though).
Yeah - thats exactly the phrase I was going to use. Progressive indeed. Usually judo clubs that push past the boundaries of traditionalism are the most interesting, exiting and (dare I say it) more effective.

No gi training is not only useful in general MA terms, but also in standard "gi judo", where there is often a great reliance on gripping.

I plan to introduce no-gi judo to our club pretty soon.