No Gi in the Olympics


Blue Belt
Feb 25, 2008
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Heard they were going to have No Gi grappling in the next Olympics. I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this.
Wow that would be amazing. I'il definitely watch. The Olympics is this year right?
Yeah, I'm going to have to call bullshit on this. I'm confident somebody here would have heard about this.
i heard you made this up because you like the taste of cock
well wrestling has been in the olympics for ever, they don't use a gi ;)
Not even close to being true.....The process to get a sport into the Olympics starts about 8 years out. FILA is just getting organized with Grappling but there maybe a chance for the 2016/2020 games.
Not even close to being true.....The process to get a sport into the Olympics starts about 8 years out. FILA is just getting organized with Grappling but there maybe a chance for the 2016/2020 games.

2016? 2020?! How fucking long does it take for a bunch of old people to sit around a table and say "yes, this is a sport, we shall add it to the Olympics." ?!
if you take the us/brasil/japan out of the equation... how many nations do you think actually "grapple" on the ground?
if you take the us/brasil/japan out of the equation... how many nations do you think actually "grapple" on the ground?

If they can find enough competitors to make ribbon dancing, trampolining, curling, etc olympic sports i think finding enough grapplers internationally shouldn't be a problem :icon_chee
This thread was the funniest I have read in a while.LOLOLOLOL. Spit my beer outta my nose.:D
if you take the us/brasil/japan out of the equation... how many nations do you think actually "grapple" on the ground?

Well last I heard Judo is pretty common in a few countries , like worldwide pretty much. Sambo is common in most of eastern Europe. And wrestling is pretty worldwide. Many countries could jump in.