Nikolay Valuev's NC

Well Sidon isnt very good, probably a headbutt or something.
think maybe he slipped, landed on Sidon and crushed him to death?

That or maybe in a clinch Sidon accidently choked to death on Valuev's chest hair.
SO FUNNY!!!! Just, hilarious.
Am I the only one that thinks it's nuts to continue a pro fight for four rounds after the ref has stopped it and exited the ring?
I think they should have dipped their gloves in broken glass, and lit the ring on fire!!!!


You really couldn't figure it out by yourself?

Sidon suffered two standing eight-counts in the first round. Valuev also dominated the second round. The referee wanted to stop the fight in the third round, although there seemed to be no reason for a stoppage at that moment. The crowd was very discontented with the ref's decision and beercups and bottles have been thrown into the ring. Sidon wanted to continue, so he persuaded Valuev to continue fighting for the full 6 rounds.

Due to fighting without a referee (who left the ring in the third round), the EBU ruled the bout as a no-contest.

Sidon later told, that it was the referee's first professional bout and that Valuev's people shouted to the referee, that he should stop the fight, otherwise Valuev might hurt Sidon. Sidon also said, that the timekeeper shortened the later rounds, due to Valuev having conditioning problems.
Hmmmm, that is pretty bizare but then again Valuev should be in a circus or a fairytale so no great surprise oddness follows him.
"Lewis was ahead on all cards but retired from the fight because of an urgent need to use the restroom. Lewis blamed his stomach discomfort on a pre-fight milkshake."

Wimp. He should have followed the lead of Greta Weitz. Some years back Weitz was approaching the finish line of the New York Marathon, well on her way to being the top woman finisher, when she came down with tummy troubles. If she stopped to use one of the porta-potties along the route one of the other women might pass her, so Weitz opted for a different solution. What did she do? Let's just say that the people who congratulated her after the race did so from a distance.
"Lewis was ahead on all cards but retired from the fight because of an urgent need to use the restroom. Lewis blamed his stomach discomfort on a pre-fight milkshake."

Wimp. He should have followed the lead of Greta Weitz. Some years back Weitz was approaching the finish line of the New York Marathon, well on her way to being the top woman finisher, when she came down with tummy troubles. If she stopped to use one of the porta-potties along the route one of the other women might pass her, so Weitz opted for a different solution. What did she do? Let's just say that the people who congratulated her after the race did so from a distance.

that is so ULTIMATE dude...I'm pretty competitive, but I might have to shit anyplace but all over myself, and then live to run another day.
that is so ULTIMATE dude...I'm pretty competitive, but I might have to shit anyplace but all over myself, and then live to run another day.

most rational people would, but remember these are athletes, and do things according to their own code, and winning to most of them is EVERYTHING.
This is a great thread. Let's come up with some other CRAZY ass endings to fights. Once i get a miunute, i'll post some of the old-school weird endings.
This is a great thread. Let's come up with some other CRAZY ass endings to fights. Once i get a miunute, i'll post some of the old-school weird endings.

let's get holyfield tyson II, lewis mccall II, and no mas out of the way...
that is so ULTIMATE dude...I'm pretty competitive, but I might have to shit anyplace but all over myself, and then live to run another day.

i think the winner gets a car. I don't blame the lady, I think it happens quite often in marathons.

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