Nickname chatter

its atleast different than the name most have like Spartan, Pitbull, the something nightmare.
So many fighters sounds like their nickname was their counterstrike gamer tag in middle school. Another bad one is everyone named the ________ assassin, with notable exception for Danny The Cheesecake Assassin Mitchell.

HM: Anthony Cheesesteak Morrison
Good thread. As random as it sounds (sorry), though, I feel Bendo's toothpick > any nickname.
Beastin' 25/8 - this isn't exactly sla nickne, because nobody would ever say it. It doesn't roll off the tongue and is a bit clumsy. However, this is so obvious that you can't imagine that whatever this fighter's real name is didn't notice when he created it. This makes it endearing, because he was so enthused over the playful naivety of it. 4.5/5

"No love" - a contrived attempt at tough guyism, just like his crappy neck tats. Had he adopted "neck tats" as his nickname, he'd get a strong 4/5, but as things stand, he gets uuggghh/5

Jesus "lieutenant colonel of yoel Romero" christ- Jesus could have chosen any nickname, and certainly could have chosen at least 8 or 9 more significant people to put in his nickname. People ofothe time were confused, but in order to prove his greatness he.... Blah blah blah

What are some nicknames that are most notable or notorious to you?

Human "Jizz biscuits" sandwich

Favorite: James 'The James Krause' Krause
Least favorite: Maycee 'The Future' Barber