So, the owners wanted to get rid of kneeling by supporting a ruling that says THEY have to pay when a player kneels, not the player themselves -- yeah, that sounds logical. Again, owners are not part of the union, and no fines are being levied on the player, so it's a union issue how? IF a owner suspends or passes the bill onto the player, then maybe your point has credence -- but I'm willing to bet that teams just add the cost as a line item under business costs and treat it as a per diem or unofficial bonus. If a player (especially a starter) is going to kneel, the billionaire owners with their billion dollar investment, dependent on their 150 million dollar payrolls are not going to risk strike or low player morale over a few thousand dollar fines.
Again, we already had an owner come out and say as much.
And I don't watch the pity -poor welfare league known as the CFL. like most things that are awesome , Americans do football better.