New user restrictions. Attn: Mods & Admins


Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for your time in just looking at this thread. I know the issue has been discussed and proposed to death, but now is the best time for me to make a point regarding 'White Belts' and their posting privileges with the locking of the OT and rampant 'bombs' on all forum sections.
I would imagine that 90% of the inappropriate postings and 'bombs' are from newly registered members which are much more difficult to control using multiple accounts. Most 'established' members of the forum community are not going to abuse their privileges in posting the bombs.
What I propose for sherdog is as follows:
1) Whitebelts can't make new threads until 2 weeks of activation regardless of their background. This would allow the legitimate new members to become used to the forum's before they post irrelevant / overdone topics and prevent 'bombers' to post new threads containing inappropriate material.
2) Whitebelts can't upload pictures until they hit a certain postcount. With a 50- 'Yellow Belt' post count rule it would deter the 'bombers' from 'bombing' the threads.
3) Potentially make more moderators who can quickly shutdown the bombs and enforce the rules. (I for one would be glad to help clean the place when things are being 'bombed').
I just came up with these things off the top of my head and will think about more after im done studying for my exam tomorrow... haha.

Thanks for reading if you did.
1) Whitebelts can't make new threads until 2 weeks of activation regardless of their background. This would allow the legitimate new members to become used to the forum's before they post irrelevant / overdone topics and prevent 'bombers' to post new threads containing inappropriate material.

Good idea. But it may not deter dedicated trolls. Signing up and waiting two weeks wouldn't be too difficult, especially for those who may want to stockpile gimmicks for future use.

It would be better to institute a minimum time requirement (i.e., ninety days) AND a minimum post count requirement (perhaps 250). A combination of these two things would make creating and building up gimmicks to become "bomb capable" much more of a pain in the ass. Careful consideration should be given here, because I'm sure Sherdog wants to control content without stymieing long-term member participation.

2) Whitebelts can't upload pictures until they hit a certain postcount. With a 50- 'Yellow Belt' post count rule it would deter the 'bombers' from 'bombing' the threads.

Since the most "destructive" troll actions seem to stem from the act of posting pictures, a post count requirement above and beyond what's required to start new threads should probably be considered. Say, 500?

3) Potentially make more moderators who can quickly shutdown the bombs and enforce the rules. (I for one would be glad to help clean the place when things are being 'bombed').

More mods would definitely help. The problem is finding the right people. Unfortunately, the vast majority of posters lack what it takes. But kudos to you for plugging yourself!
I took at a look at that other forum (link was posted in an OT discussion thread) and found a thread talking about how they plan on doing more bombings. Also talked about doing more raids in MB and the WR, and also bombing the play-by-play threads during a ppv.

I also think there needs to be more mods considering how bad trolling has been the past week where troll threads can go on for literaly 15 pages before being deleted.

IMO the best posters on Sherdog with good judgment and quality posts are:


And a few others, I was suprised none of those guys were modded in the last elections. But of course the very best poster is myself.
Thanks for the eval. Yeah I agree with you on everything above. A combination of the rules would shut down so many people.

The only thing I don't agree with is a 500 post count. There are alot of good members out there with early join dates who have nowhere near 500 posts. It would be difficult for a new member to reach that number.

My postcount is around 5 a day, which I think is pretty reasonable. It would take someone 100 days to just start a new thread, which is a bit extreme.

I would gladly help out and be a mod. I know it takes alot of 'dedication' and abiding by the rules (which for 99% of the time I been doing).
I took at a look at that other forum (link was posted in an OT discussion thread) and found a thread talking about how they plan on doing more bombings. Also talked about doing more raids in MB and the WR, and also bombing the play-by-play threads during a ppv.

I also think there needs to be more mods considering how bad trolling has been the past week where troll threads can go on for literaly 15 pages before being deleted.

IMO the best posters on Sherdog with good judgment and quality posts are:


And a few others, I was suprised none of those guys were modded in the last elections. But of course the very best poster is myself.

I would volunteer to clean up the pbp threads if they gave me a temp status for just the weekend because I heard the same talk as well. Specifically Illuduvessa(sp) and a few others have everything planned.
My postcount is around 5 a day, which I think is pretty reasonable. It would take someone 100 days to just start a new thread, which is a bit extreme.

I would gladly help out and be a mod. I know it takes alot of 'dedication' and abiding by the rules (which for 99% of the time I been doing).

How can you be a mod with only 5 posts per day? You wouldn't be on long enough to get things done.

because I heard the same talk as well. Specifically Illuduvessa(sp) and a few others have everything planned.

Really? What have you heard.
How can you be a mod with only 5 posts per day? You wouldn't be on long enough to get things done.

Not necessarily true. I'm logged in all day long, lurking in various sub-forums and reading threads periodically... and my ppd is just a tick above 1.
Not necessarily true. I'm logged in all day long, lurking in various sub-forums and reading threads periodically... and my ppd is just a tick above 1.

Can't really argue with that.

btw, Mods, I'm online around 4-6 and then again at 10-1 (more or less those times), both times when very few mods are on and report trolling all the time.

thread hijack. sorry bro..... lol

Seriously though, anyone with a Fedor av and user name has great judgement in my book.
How can you be a mod with only 5 posts per day? You wouldn't be on long enough to get things done.

Really? What have you heard.

Same as mentioned above, just because my postcount is low doesn't mean im not on alot. Im usually on 3+ hours a night, when im not studying.

He mentioned in a pornbomb thread that he was 'taking revenge' on the mod that deleted him and mentioned the upcoming UFC event to 'exact his revenge'.

edit: he claimed to be illuvdessa(sp) and had people allready organized to bomb the forums.

I don't want to see the forums be entirely shutdown because of these raids and hence the reason why i started this thread.

Even if they made temp mods as a trial run for saturday night (which is expected to be horrendous) would be a good idea in my opinion. There can't be any serious harm come about from it and it would only help the forums.

And props to naming Juggo to be a mod, he is the most intelligent poster on sherdog hands down.
This thread sounds like a couple posters applying for a job .
Lot of good ideas in this thread. When the poster put time into developing the account and obtaining the abilities, they would probably be less apt to knowingly throw it away.
This thread sounds like a couple posters applying for a job .

Yes, a thankless, non-paying job.

The reason these things haven't been implemented has to do with the technical side of things (of which I don't know the details), and how hard it would be to implement the system. I'm no programmer, but from what I hear it's a bit more complicated than changing a few settings.
Yes, a thankless, non-paying job.

The reason these things haven't been implemented has to do with the technical side of things (of which I don't know the details), and how hard it would be to implement the system. I'm no programmer, but from what I hear it's a bit more complicated than changing a few settings.

I figured it was something along those lines. Still, I'd really like to know what avenues are being considered by the admins.
I think the no picture posting idea would solve a ton of problems - 500 might be too low though as it would just be a post-whore target. Maybe a combination 6 months and 500 post minimum before you are able to post pics.

I mean if you wanted to spam/trash the site for whatever reason it would be just words.