New school and I'm the smallest guy here...


Purple Belt
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
And I actually love it! I don't mind playing guard at all, it is definately helping me use more and more technique and less and less strength. My offensive guard game is being developed more and more, and definately my sweeps. I really like this Royce Gracie-esque feel my 155lb frame brings. Anyone else small framed? And what are your thoughts on it? And does anyone know small framed Jiu Jitsu guys that fight off their back alot and base their whole game around sweeps and guard subs? Obviously Royce does, and I know one of the Machados do, not so sure about Royler or Renzo... Anyways, take care guys your input is appreciated.
It gets old after awhile. It took me 11 months to get my blue at 148 lbs many years ago, training with 180-220 lb guys. Now I'm back in the game and I bulked to 160. The extra strength helps alot but I'm still small. But developing a top game is also important, don't neglect it if possible. I've developed a pretty good base which is a necessity to a complete game. But being small will always be a pain in the ass. I can only dream of being as strong as the others.
Well, I'm 5'1, 129 pounds... but it doesn't matter to me. One way or another, I know I must find a way to win.
I'm your size and it depends who I'm fighting. Here has been my initial strategy as of late: If he is a wrestler I'll work on Judo and BJJ. If he is a Judoka I'll use wrestling and BJJ. If he is a BJJer I'll use Judo and wrestling. After the initial set-up then all bets are off and I use a hybrid approach. Some people would hate me on this forum.... ;)

For example, at a tournament I fought wrestlers using lots of guard work. Additionally I used some wrestling to counter a Judoka's throws and keep in side control of a BJJer. However, in grappling practice I often use Judo to score takedowns against the transplanted wrestlers and other BJJers.

Of course there are many exceptions to this "rule." I'm trying to say that I try to disrupt the other guy's strategy and implement my own as much as possible. Most of the time the person who imposes their game plan on the opponent wins the match.

(Note: I say "wrestling" but I mean "wrestling philosophy" because I hardly remember any good moves from wrestling in high school; and I wasn't particularly good back then either.)
I'm on the smaller side at my club. I'm around 68k and most people are 80k to 100k (except for 1 or two other people.) I don't find it a problem really, though I am trying to hit the gym more.
When I roll with smaller guys, they tend to spazz out. Once I pass guard, I go for the mount to give them a chance to espace, and they just flop around like a fish. It will take a lot more training and technique to beat someone bigger than you.
I'm the smallest at my club too except for one girl...we have some biiig girls too though haha. I don't mind too much because I'm pretty strong for being 135 and I make up for it in speed. I feel that rolling with bigger guys all the time is good training, but it gets really annoying sometimes when guys that have 50-60 pounds on my just muscle things over with little technique. The other day I was rolling with this guy thats about 180-190 and I took him down pretty easy but he was able to pull me into his guard and force this neck crank. I didn't even know what he was doing was a move because it didn't hurt at all, I just couldn't move, but he kept cranking on it as hard as he could and all of a sudden my neck cracked really loudly and everything went numb for a second. needless to say he finally got me to tap
b0b said:
When I roll with smaller guys, they tend to spazz out.

This one dude I grapple with whenever I get him in scarf-hold positon he spazzes out like he thinks hes gonna die, starts flailing his arms and legs tries turning, rolling, and bucking to escape. I normally just relax and try to hold him but it like flips a swithc in him or somehting and he just goes apeshit trying to escape.
If you're small (like me) then a good guard is invaluable, but don't neglect the rest of your game. You'd be surprised how well you can fight big guys from the top once you learn to generate pressure and transition between positions. But unless you like to scramble, your guard will probably be what gets you there with sweeps.
Im 5'8" and 160lbs. Im fairly muscular but it wasnt always that way, Before i started working out i weighed 145. I too love to play guard when i roll though. Alot of my instructors are smaller guys so theyve got some cool tricks to pass on. Id much rather work for a triangle from the guard than an armbar from the mount, it just suits my style better.