The CEO admitted this was a disappointment and said they had internal problems. Don't blame this on the market. Netflix plays the game and it is what got them their valuation in the first place.
No, not negative at all. Jesus fuckin Christ, you are painting a more rosy picture of this than the fuckin CEO. Even he wouldn't spout this bullshit. Because he knows it is bullshit. He knows Disney-Fox, Amazon and others are threats. He is already crying about it. He doesn't like these mergers because he knows what they mean for Netflix.
What took place 20 years ago, or how long it took, is irrelevant. I am not taking into account ANYTHING from Netflix more than a few years ago. It is irrelevant.
All your telling me was that Netflix was immensely overvalued. No shit. The CEO had no problem selling shares at that high valuation. He profited immensely from this run up. Don't give me this "poor Netflix" shit. And get off your fuckin knees. You sound like a Tesla cultist the way you blow this company.
Honestly you are an emotive idiot and should stay out of business talks. We get it. You don't like Netflix and that is clear in your posts and therefore you treat this like you do an MMA fighter discussion you don't like which means no compromise.
So lets deal with your multiple strawmen.
NO ONE, is saying the CEO will not be disappointed when they do not hit the targets that have been established. So take that crap elsewhere.
No one is saying there are not competitive pressures form Disney, Amazon, other. So that that crap out of here.
What we are saying is that the company is doing ENORMOUSLY well and is in ZERO jeopardy. If you want to SPECULATE on future jeopardy then go ahead and make your best guess but no it means nothing. You are just guessing.
TODAY THE ONLY ISSUE, is that the MARKET expectations have been set so aggressively that despite Netflix being one of the top growth companies in the last 20 years, the stock is NOW PRICED for them to have 12 times that growth in the next 5 years. Yes that is right 12 TIMES THAT GROWTH. 3 times the subscriber base in 1/4 the years it took to get the first 100MM.
So if Netflix is only tracking to hit 75% of that growth expectation and instead of 400MM subscribers they end up with just over 300MM in the next 5 years and the stock drops 25% of that growth multiple as a result the company IS NOT in any danger of folding. The guys who bought the stock at the higher multiple may be upset and the CEO might apologize and even get replaced but that has nothing to do with the company solvency or ability to continue to do business.
At 300MM subscribers and not 400MM in the next 5 years Netflix will continue to be one of the most successful 25 year old companies in history and its market cap will just be 25% lower than it would have been had they achieved the 400MM subscribers. To suggest that is any type of failure is stupid.
So stop being stupid.
(but since I have seen how you argue over the fighters you hug and hate, i expect nothing less then continued idiocy from you)