Neil Magny offered to fight Cormier on 2 days notice for UFC 200 - Joe Silva

MMA fan93

Blue Belt
Jan 7, 2015
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Was watching the recent vids on the UFC's youtube channel, and came across this little interview Jon Anik does with Joe Silva and Sean Shelby, discussing the matchups at UFC 202.

Joe Silva mentions that Neil Magny offered to step up and fight Daniel Cormier on 2 days notice. Said that he was walking around at 189 lbs i believe, and that he would be willing to take the fight.

This guy makes a bigger fan out of me every time he fights. He is super active, always willing to step in on short notice and save the shows, shows excellent heart in most of his fights, like vs Hector (first round) and vs Gastelum (was getting clobbered in the last 2 rounds but stayed in it). He is also very humble in his interviews, and has a great positive and a learning attitude (asked Maia if he could attend his seminar after getting submitted by him).

I believe we give a lot of credit to fighters like Connor and BJ (and well deservedly) for stepping up weight classes but there are also lesser known guys like Magny who are willing to do the same thing, but are not a big enough name so is not given the opportunity to step up (in this case, on 2 days notice against the frickin champion two weight classes above his!)

Respect to Magny, big fan of his, hope he starches Larkin and continues his steady climb up the rankings.
What a beast,

Can't fault Magny for taking on something like that...the guy can't ever get enough fights.
Neil Magny doesn't get 10% of praise Cowboy gets for being active. Can you believe it, 22 fights in 6 years? Approx 4 fights per year .

Fucking love Magny! Can't wait for him vs Larkin this weekend!
Hahaha Serious props to Magny for having the stones to throw his name in the hat, but Cormier would've beaten him to death.
Wow, respect. I like Magny, but he's not starching Larkin. He'll probably win a UD.
Neil Magny doesn't get 10% of praise that Cowboy gets for being active. Can you believe it, 22 fights in 6 years? Approx 4 fights per year .

Once he gets more high profile fights and better known, the praise will come.
When he beat juice pig, I was like whaaaaaaat
To think... He was willing to get beaten to death by Cormier to look like a baddass who was willing to take the fight on 2 days notice.
Neil Magny doesn't get 10% of praise that Cowboy gets for being active. Can you believe it, 22 fights in 6 years? Approx 4 fights per year .
I believe that might be due to the fact that Cowboy is more popular and has obviously been fighting longer, but also mainly due to the fact that he fights top competition consistently. Also moved up in weight class recently. I feel if Magny wins a couple of top 10 fights he will become more well known and respected for all that he does among the fans.

Fully agree that any fighter willing to stay active and take short notice fights deserves all the credit.
Neil Magny doesn't get 10% of praise that Cowboy gets for being active. Can you believe it, 22 fights in 6 years? Approx 4 fights per year .

I also give Neil's offer more credit because he did it behind the scenes. When Cowboy or Bendo go on social media and say they are willing to fight whoever on short notice, a lot of that is an attention grabbing move.
also since when does old joe silva talk to the media
Wow that fight would have sucked even worse. I for one don't give a shit if he was willing to fill in.
Jesus Christ. Hespeck thees man.
Yeah... Magny is awesome.

I did not like him before but he won me over. Guy fights all the time.

Cerrone-Magny should have some kind of deal when, if someone does not get a fight in 2 months, they fight eachother.
Respect. he would have got a whooping against Cormier but still wanted to step in
War Magny. We need more guys like him and Cowboy.
I also give Neil's offer more credit because he did it behind the scenes. When Cowboy or Bendo go on social media and say they are willing to fight whoever on short notice, a lot of that is an attention grabbing move.
you have to get attention to you to make a case for a fight nowadays. it's just how it is

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