Need to lose some weight, should I stop with creatine/whey


White Belt
Jul 1, 2005
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I need to lose some weight soon, should I cut out the Creatine / whey, or will that make a difference? (I'm not really concerned about the muscle loss, I just need to lose some fat)

Also: a few foods that I eat/drink pretty much every day, should I stop with these?

Red bull, Sobe A-rush, Salted Peanuts, Subway Club w/ light Mayo, beef jerky.
If you just want to lose fat, I wouldnt cut out either. I would suggest increasing (or starting) your cardio and go on a more strict diet. If you cut out creatine or whey, you may lose weight, but you'll probably just lose muscle and have the same amount of fat. If you dont care about losing muscle, try doing circuit training with lower weights when you lift. This way you keep your heart rate up and you will burn more calories. You may lose some size and strength, but you will tone up nicely. But the most helpful thing for you is to diet and increase your cardio.
How much cardio should I be doing per day?

Right now I'm doing about 35-45 minutes on the treadmill, 4 or 5 days a week.

Would 40 minutes, twice a day, 5 days a week be too much?
s2x said:
Would 40 minutes, twice a day, 5 days a week be too much?

You dont want to overtrain. Never do more than 45 min. of cardio or run for more than 5 days a week. Anymore is too much. Instead of trying to go for a longer period of time, try to increase the distance covered in that time. For instance, say you run 4 miles in 40 minutes. Try and to build up to 4.5 miles in 40 minutes and so on.

Here's some more tips to help you...

1. Try doing your cardio in the morning on a fairly empty stomach (no more than a protein shake). This will get your metabolism going. If you want lift, do it in the afternoon/night.
2. Try to eat 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism going throughout the day.
3. Cut out as many, if not all carbs 3 hours before you sleep (the only exception is a protein shake before you go to bed).
4. Drink a lot of water. Your body needs water more than any other substance.
5. Take a multivitamin/multimineral to stay as healthy as possible.
6. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
HA-Y-N Pitbull said:
Never do more than 45 min. of cardio or run for more than 5 days a week. Anymore is too much.
It's not so much that more than 45 minutes of cardio is too much, just that 45 minutes is the point at which after muscle breakdown really starts to occur. Some muscle breakdown is inevitable during working out, especially if you are training hard for a few hours at a time. Consume a good recovery drink during your workout.
I don't know much, but I don't think Red Bull and Sobe are exactly low in sugar. You might consider dropping the number of calories you drink.

If you're going to drink your calories, make sure you're doing it as part of your daily alcohol intake.