Need to cut 8lbs by Sunday


Blue Belt
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys, Im entering a BJJ Tournament this Sunday and the cut off weight for Heavyweight is 205(w/gi on) after that its Superheavy. This morning I weighed myself and I was 209 so with a gi, cup, etc about 212-213. The weigh ins are same day so I want to drop weight effectively without having to totally dehydrate myself making me weak but also giving myself enough energy during the week to train hard.

So basically this is my daily diet and workout schedule, I work 7am-4pm and drink about a gallon or 2 of water throughout the day

225 mg caffeine, 500mg green tea extract
Protien shake
-1 scoop muscle milk
-1 scoop whey w/glutamine
-3/4 cup oats
-tbsp peanut butter
-1.5 cups skim milk
-1/4 cup wheat germ
-tbsp honey
-nonfat yogurt



-Tuna Sandwich w chopped celery on whole wheat bread
-1/4 cup raw almonds


-trail mix bar

-grilled chicken breast or fish and 1 cup mixed veggies

Training(usually Ill alternate standing/grappling/lifting light or mix the 3 but this week BJJ only) Take 200mg caffeine 500mg green tea extract w 8oz water 30 minutes before
630 or 7pm-9pm BJJ sip on accellerade throughout workout

get home 9:30 and do sprints semi inclined for 15-20 minutes or run 2 miles on treadmill

10pm Protien shake(1/2mm, 1/2 whey w/glutamine)

Snack raw almonds

11:00 cup of cottage cheese

12:30pm sleep

thats pretty much it each night(add sex in most days) but if yall see anything wrong or anything better I should be doing, please feel free to drop some advise. Thanks in advance!
alright I just weighed myself 15 minutes after my last cup of cottage cheese and Im at 206, thats 3 lbs lighter than this morning, cool I think I should be fine if I keep training hard but any advice would be helpful, I need to still get down to 180-185 within the next few months here
eat black grapes for your snacks. They clear you out quicker than a hot curry and i'm not sure but wouldnt eating cottage cheese before you go to bed be a bad idea to lose weight? Your metabolism would have pretty much stopped by then so it will just get stored and will add mass.
Chad Hamilton said:
Are you aware that you're averaging 74 posts per day?

:eek: Wow thats loads. i average less than half a day!

The sauna will only work a few days before or you will just put it back on when you drink. Also thats weight cutting not loss. He doesnt wanna cut weight cos the weigh-in is the same day so he would be weak as he wouldn't have time to replenish the lost water and electrolytes
Woob said:
:eek: Wow thats loads. i average less than half a day!

The sauna will only work a few days before or you will just put it back on when you drink. Also thats weight cutting not loss. He doesnt wanna cut weight cos the weigh-in is the same day so he would be weak as he wouldn't have time to replenish the lost water and electrolytes

Thank you. Im not trying to cut weight for that reason, instead I want to effectively lose it through training and maintaining a good diet. Shouldnt be too hard to make the 200 mark by then now that I think of it, but getting down to 180ish or even less should prove to be quite the bitch as Ill probably need to lose some muscle. Thanks for the input guys.