Need some insight

Bama Zulu

Blue Belt
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I just got my paycheck and I'm looking to spend some cash. I have a couple things I have been looking at that I have not recieved a clear answer from searching already.

How is the Caesar Gracie ""the Techniques of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu" book? (

I see it has a lot of content and it looks like it will last me a while but sacrifices quality (Not really a big deal)

The Fighter's Notebook (Book)

Mario Sperry - Master Series 1 & 2 (DVDS)

Saulo Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu Revolution (DVDS - Gi set)

EDIT - Also the Jacare Instructional DVD

Any opinions, feedback welcome, thanks.
I have no input on any of those BUT I can reccomend Eddie Bravo's Jiu Jitsu Unleashed.
I already own the JJ Unleashed book and it's ok. His half-guard stuff is pretty cool though.