Need a list of Doomsday Sayers


Steel Belt
May 1, 2002
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I feel like there should be a list of every person who participated in some stupid documentary on the History Channel or otherwise saying that the world is going to end on the 21st, or aliens are going to land, etc so that when it doesn't happen they can be held accountable for freaking out a bunch of naive people. I'm afraid what will happen is we will all have a big laugh and thats it, but I want some of these people to answer to this!

The Mayans didn't account for leap years, so their December 21st 2012 was actually around September 2011
If they can predict the end of the world im sure they can factor in leap year some how. I still don't believe it either way

The Mayans didn't account for leap years, so their December 21st 2012 was actually around September 2011

their calendar was much different and didn't have the same months, days, weeks, years as we have with our calendar. the dec 21, 2012 date come from converting their calendar into our system.

So the only way it ended September 2011 was if the person/people converting it didn't factor in the leap years. so either that person was an idiot, or the person that started the September 2011 myth is an idiot . Much like anyone that believes the world will end on the 21st is an idiot.
His name is Tsoukalos, yeah the "aliens" dude.

He's probably planing his lifetime vacation and exile at the moment.
His name is Tsoukalos, yeah the "aliens" dude.

He's probably planing his lifetime vacation and exile at the moment.

Actually he's very vocal about the world NOT ending this friday.He said it a bunch of times on his facebook and when he was on Rogan's podcast while back they touched this subjecet and yet again he said "nothing will happen" .
Dumb people will believe anything. I need to start a religion where I get people to believe that Aztec profits predicted the only way to survive giant aliens using the earth as toilet paper is to bring me pie's, lots of pie's.
Every doomsday predictor has some bs excuse ready for when we get to Dec 22nd without a hitch.
Stupidity is true evil.

Patrick Geryl is one of the main culprits, he keeps on changing his mind as to what it's gonna be, one day it's solar flares, then it's earthquakes, then it's a pole shift.

He was asking for 30k from "believers" in order to build a bunker in Africa, now he's changing his tune, saying that he won't be going into the bunker because he has diabetes.

He said that it was gonna be on the 21st and it "Could not possibley be wrong", now he's saying "Between the 17th and the 22nd".


Jaysen Q. Rand is another one, he believes that Planet X is going to hit us, even though it isn't there. But the guy also said he's a Grammy nominated music producer.

Better still:
