neck crank


Brown Belt
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Can somoeone show me a pic or explain to me how it is done. Any help would be appreciated.
There are lots of different neck cranks, the most popular being the can opener


This one is done through the guard by putting your elbows into their sholders and pulling their head towords you, this is easy enough to escape though by opening your guard and moving your hips.

Basically the most simple way of defining a neck crank is when you crank the neck in a direction is isn't ment to go.
ouch, thanks for the info & pic dude. I heard about this alot but never seen someone do it before.
Oi, the guy performing that neckcrank is from my club :icon_surp

Funny how things comes around :wink:

I'll try to add some value saying that this picture's from an EVT event in Stockholm.

Another kind of neck crank is shown at
Including setups too many to count.

I should say mind (as i'm guessing you're new to this) don't be going and diving in on your training partners with these full pelt. they're very dangerous so I always try to make sure i go very slow to give the guy plenty of time to tap as soon as he feels it.

Here's a couple more variations



Yeah, I'm still new it comes to grappling. I really a boxer but I just started up on BJJ. I'm really get in to it and everytime I hear the guys at the gym talk about different subs they use it always makes me wonder what it looks like or how its done. Thanks for the help bro
Neck cranks are great to do on somebody you hate or don't care if you severly injure for months maybe forever, but for your stable-mates I do not, personally, feel they are appropriate.
Focus on chokes instead, they are much safer and IMO more effective.
No oxygen to brain= night-night
Pain to neck= just pain
my moto: no brain=no pain! Fight till I drop!
Haha nice moto! Chokes huh, yeah I jus got down the RNC & the first sub I learned was the guillotine. Thanks for the tip, can't wait to use a neck crank on my brother! jus playin
Another one that works sometimes, although not in this case...Yoshida vs Silva:


Jim HIGHLY endorses this thread!

Be sure to check out Murderball on TV premiering soon! Wheelchair bound athletes showcase thier fighting spirit in full contact rugby style competition. So don't even worry about neck cranks, there are always alternative sports out there if you get seriously injured!
Stoic, you kind of freaked me out.
The Easiest Neck Crank For A New Person Training To Perform Is Simple Just Get A Mount Get Your Forearm Under The Back Of Their Neck, Lock Your Hand Into The Opposite Elbow Then Push Lean All Your Weight On The Persons Chin Pushing Up While Squeezing Your Arms As Tight As You Can
It's funny when you realize someone was typing in all caps as if it would be taken more seriously.
The Easiest Neck Crank For A New Person Training To Perform Is Simple Just Get A Mount Get Your Forearm Under The Back Of Their Neck, Lock Your Hand Into The Opposite Elbow Then Push Lean All Your Weight On The Persons Chin Pushing Up While Squeezing Your Arms As Tight As You Can

Right, this is an asshole move that most wrestlers use. I think its illegal and can really hurt someone. If I feel this coming, there's an immediate poke to the eye coming.