Navy Pilot Describes U.F.O. Encounters


Titanium Belt
Nov 17, 2006
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Pentagon Report Due by June 29, 2021

A spokesperson for Rubio told ABC News that the report is due to be submitted to Congress on June 29, which is the date that marks the 180-day deadline required by the legislation when it went into effect on Jan. 1.

Original post and Cliffs in Spoiler
I came across this and not sure its been posted. As most of you know, there has been a spate of U.F.O. videos verified by the Pentagon over the last few years. This is a 60 Minutes interview given concerning what the U.S. government calls U.A.P.'s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon)

Cliffs for those that want text, video below.

0:44 Interviewer (Bill): "So what you are telling me is U.F.O.'s are real?" Luis Elizondo responds by saying, "Bill, I think we're beyond that already. The government has already stated for the record that they are real. I'm not telling you that, the United States government is telling you that."

1:35 Bill: "You know how this sounds? It sounds nutty, wacky..."
1:39 Elizondo: "Yea, look, Bill I'm not telling you that it doesn't sound wacky, I'm telling you its real. The question is what is it, what are its intentions, what are its capabilities."

2:11 Elizondo: "Imagine a technology that can do 600-700 G-forces, that can fly at 13,000mph, that can evade radar, and that can fly through air, and water, and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces, and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we are seeing."

2:51 Tic-Tac video
3:10 Triangle U.F.O.'s
3:19 Gimbal U.F.O.

3:20 Bill: "So what do you say to the skeptics, its refracted light, weather balloon, rocket being launched, or Venus?"
Elizondo: "Some cases are simple explanations for what people are witnessing, but there are some that, that are not. We're not just simply jumping to conclusions then saying oh that's a U.A.P. out there. We're going through our due diligence. Is it some sort of new cruise missile technology that China has developed? Is it some sort of high altitude balloon that's conducting reconnaissance? Ultimately, when you have exhausted all those what if's, and you're still left with, with the fact that this is in our air space and its real, that's when it becomes compelling, and that's when it becomes problematic."

4:05-:28 Former Navy pilot Lt. Ryan Graves gives testimony about it being a security risk. He told 60 Minutes that his F-18 squadron began seeing U.F.O.'s hovering over restricted airspace southeast of Virginia beach in 2014 when they updated their jets radar making it possible to zero in with infrared targeting.

4:29 Bill: "So you are seeing it both with the radar and the infrared, and that tells you that there is something out there?"
4:36 Graves: "Its pretty hard to spoof that."

4:39-:55 Multiple close up photos of U.F.O.'s taken in 2019 from the same area.

4:49-:58 Graves tells 60 Minutes he saw U.F.O.'s every single day for a couple years.

6:23-:40 The government has ignored the problem supposedly since 1969 when it closed Project Blue Book but that all changed in 2004 when an incident off the coast of California took place and was documented by radar, by camera, and four Naval aviators, including a Top Gun pilot.

7:12-8:46- Commander Fravor details what he saw.
8:47-10:07 More details, including that radar operators on the U.S.S. Nimitz tracked the object Commander Fravor saw traveling 60 miles in seconds.

10:12 Elizondo: "We spend millions of dollars training these pilots and they are seeing something that they can't explain, furthermore, that information is being backed up with electro-optical data like gun camera footage, and by radar data, now to me, that's compelling."

10:51- 11:10 Christopher Mellon, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defence for intelligence for President Clinton as well as Bush, and who had access to Top Secret government projects said, "So, its not us, that's one thing we know."

11:10 Bill: "We know that?"
Mellon: "I can say that with a very high degree of confidence in part because of the positions I held in the department and I know the process."

This Post is for those of you who still believe its a Psy-Op or lie to cover up our own technology.
I came across this video this morning and I want to take a section of it concerning the legitimacy of the reports by the U.S. government. This is an exchange between CNN and Luis Elizondo who is the former director of the advanced aerospace threat identification program at the Pentagon.

This is for those of you who still think this is a Pentagon Psy-Op to cover up U.S. technology. It would have to be the greatest Psy-Op of all time because everyone from former president Obama, to C.I.A. directors to Congress is being briefed on it. This is not a drill guys.

3:14-3:47 : (Speaking in reference to U.S. Air Force pilots) "...and what they are reporting to us are really extraordinary vehicles doing extraordinary things and furthermore its backed up by electro-optical data such as gun camera footage and further backed up by radar so in essence you have three distinct pieces, or if you will collection sources, that are all providing the same information at the same time, at the same place, under the same circumstances, and all validating what the pilots are seeing so its very compelling and at this point we know its real."

3:47-4:04 CNN: "You know, you make an interesting point, at this point you know its real, not too long ago as I mentioned this would have been a joke but now you've got a president, former president acknowledging this. What changed that we have now former president Obama saying serious now there are things we cannot explain?"

4:04-4:29 Elizondo: "Well and its not just former president Obama. We have former director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, we have former director of C.I.A. John Brennon, former director of C.I.A. Woolsey, all of them have come forward along with some of our elected officials in Congress who have stepped forward, all have received classified briefings on the topic and what they are being provided is extremely compelling. I think, again, we are well beyond reasonable doubt at this point. So the real question is what are we dealing with. Are we dealing with some sort of foreign adversarial technology or are we really dealing with something that is a paradigm moment for our species in dealing with something completely different."

Photos taken from the cockpit of an F-18 on March 4, 2019.



Trans-medium craft witnessed by the U.S.S. Omaha. Posted by @bobgeese in Post #59

"These U.F.O.'s are extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional, or the creation of an earth-based intelligence entirely unknown to our human society."

"The odds of this being human technology is infintessimally low."

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Damn, those swamp gas weather balloons have sure become maneuverable!

I've actually posted this in a previous UFO thread. Over the past few years there have been more coverage on these UFO encounters in the mainstream media. It almost feels like we are getting desensitized for the eventual reveal that aliens do indeed exist, and we have had interactions with them for a while now. It's like in Stargate they had a TV show that's basically Stargate for plausible deniability. So when we do get the big reveal, it'll be this reaction

What I don't get is the 'why'?

If these things are genuine UFOs, why are they here? Any species advanced enough to get here across the vastness of interstellar space could annihilate us instantly or observe us without being detected

How do you know they don't want to be detected, but slowly, over a long period of time, because its their standard procedure when encountering a lesser civilization, kinda like a Star Trek prime directive. Its very difficult to determine what they might be thinking or doing but one thing is for sure, its getting harder and harder to deny something is happening we don't understand.
It's our navy technology. Google the patents of US navy/Dr Salvatore Pais

Christopher Mellon says its definitely not us.

10:51- 11:10 Christopher Mellon, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defence for intelligence for President Clinton as well as Bush, and who had access to Top Secret government projects said, "So, its not us, that's one thing we know."

11:10 Bill: "We know that?"
Mellon: "I can say that with a very high degree of confidence in part because of the positions I held in the department and I know the process."
Yeah? Well what makes him such an expert?
Christopher Mellon says its definitely not us.

10:51- 11:10 Christopher Mellon, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defence for intelligence for President Clinton as well as Bush, and who had access to Top Secret government projects said, "So, its not us, that's one thing we know."

11:10 Bill: "We know that?"
Mellon: "I can say that with a very high degree of confidence in part because of the positions I held in the department and I know the process."

That's great, the current Navy chief technical officer declared to the US patent office that the technology works and is currently being tested. This is after the initial attempt at the patent failed, because of course no one believed it. The patents were then granted.
There's a much simpler explanation called mass hysteria.

U.S. military personnel are not having mass hysteria. This quote from the video indicates things that are well beyond "hysteria" like radar data and gun camera footage.

10:12 Elizondo: "We spend millions of dollars training these pilots and they are seeing something that they can't explain, furthermore, that information is being backed up with electro-optical data like gun camera footage, and by radar data, now to me, that's compelling."

We have U.S. Air Force pilots on record, radar operators, gun camera footage, infrared footage, video, and photos. That isn't mass hysteria.
Damn, those swamp gas weather balloons have sure become maneuverable!

I've actually posted this in a previous UFO thread. Over the past few years there have been more coverage on these UFO encounters in the mainstream media. It almost feels like we are getting desensitized for the eventual reveal that aliens do indeed exist, and we have had interactions with them for a while now. It's like in Stargate they had a TV show that's basically Stargate for plausible deniability. So when we do get the big reveal, it'll be this reaction

It's the role of a former assistant DoD sec who leaked to NYT in the 2000s to get Congress involved. He believes UAP/UFOs to be threats to us. He doesn't believe them to be out shadow tech
It's our navy technology. Google the patents of US navy/Dr Salvatore Pais

This or even China's. China recently was able to harness the power of the sun in nuclear fusion for over 10 seconds.

I'm sure they have some aircrafts we don't know about too.
U.S. military personnel are not having mass hysteria. This quote from the video indicates things that are well beyond "hysteria" like radar data and gun camera footage.

10:12 Elizondo: "We spend millions of dollars training these pilots and they are seeing something that they can't explain, furthermore, that information is being backed up with electro-optical data like gun camera footage, and by radar data, now to me, that's compelling."

We have U.S. Air Force pilots on record, radar operators, gun camera footage, infrared footage, video, and photos. That isn't mass hysteria.

The statements from the video are contradictory according to your own OP.

2:11 Elizondo: "Imagine a technology that can do 600-700 G-forces, that can fly at 13,000mph, that can evade radar, and that can fly through air, and water, and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces, and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we are seeing.

10:12 Elizondo: "We spend millions of dollars training these pilots and they are seeing something that they can't explain, furthermore, that information is being backed up with electro-optical data like gun camera footage, and by radar data, now to me, that's compelling."

So which one is it Elizondao is the UAP evading the radar or is there radar data of the UAP?

I don't know where you got the impression that being an Army pilot makes you completely unsucceptable to mass hysteria, or that camera footage somehow rules out mass hysteria.
It's the role of a former assistant DoD sec who leaked to NYT in the 2000s to get Congress involved. He believes UAP/UFOs to be threats to us. He doesn't believe them to be out shadow tech

Not to mention, the tech would have to be so far ahead of what we currently have, well, its not believable. We've tracked craft going from 80,000+ feet to sea leveling instantly. Elizondo said they estimated something like 600-700 G-force, enough to turn a human being into paste. The Tic-Tac that Cmdr. Fravor witnessed disappeared instantly and U.S. Navy radar operators picked it up 60 miles away in only seconds.

2:11 Elizondo: "Imagine a technology that can do 600-700 G-forces, that can fly at 13,000mph, that can evade radar, and that can fly through air, and water, and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces, and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we are seeing."

The implication of the quote above is pretty big because these craft can fly from the air, into the ocean, then back out again. No craft or materials we know of can do that. A plane will disintegrate when it hits the water. So unless we are using some super advanced unknown building materials, its not possible, and yet we have video of that as well.
The statements from the video are contradictory according to your own OP.

2:11 Elizondo: "Imagine a technology that can do 600-700 G-forces, that can fly at 13,000mph, that can evade radar, and that can fly through air, and water, and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces, and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we are seeing.

10:12 Elizondo: "We spend millions of dollars training these pilots and they are seeing something that they can't explain, furthermore, that information is being backed up with electro-optical data like gun camera footage, and by radar data, now to me, that's compelling."

So which one is it Elizondao is the UAP evading the radar or is there radar data of the UAP?

I don't know where you got the impression that being an Army pilot makes you completely unsucceptable to mass hysteria, or that camera footage somehow rules out mass hysteria.

You are out of your damn mind if you think this is mass hysteria. It harkens back to the days of J. Allen Hynek saying people were seeing swamp gas. Its a ridiculous notion at this point. We have the evidence and even that doesn't phase guys like you.

1. The U.S. government admits something is in our atmosphere we don't understand.
2. Government provides video, radar data, and gun camera footage.
3. Multiple U.S. Air Force pilots including a Top Gun pilot testify to witnessing these craft.

We send people to prison for life on less evidence than that.

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