Nate might need to cut weight for 202....

Looking at his recent pictures he's huge and will need to cut weight to make 170, i don't know if that is such a good idea look what happened to conor when he ate up to 170 he gassed out early and 2 of nate's most potent weapons are his gas tank and that quick,slick boxing.
I think he will be slower in this fight everyone is talking about conors gas tank it's nate that needs too worry since he is making the same mistakes that conor made
Cloner bot simultaneously setting up cloner for lots of praise of he wins and an excuse when he loses.
Looking at his recent pictures he's huge and will need to cut weight to make 170, i don't know if that is such a good idea look what happened to conor when he ate up to 170 he gassed out early and 2 of nate's most potent weapons are his gas tank and that quick,slick boxing.
I think he will be slower in this fight everyone is talking about conors gas tank it's nate that needs too worry since he is making the same mistakes that conor made
Slick boxing??

Be afraid conor, be very afraid.