Nate Marquardt accused of bigotry


Red Belt
May 29, 2008
Reaction score
I'm sure this will start arguments but here it is:
If you don't feel like reading, pretty much Nate saw a commercial that had 2 guys kissing and he called it disgusting, which brought the wrath of the...well, it offended some people. They all accused him of being a bigot and all this and that. Personally, I don't care what 2 people do, but I don't want to watch anyone making out, so I don't have a problem with what he said. Clearly people aren't allowed to have an opinion anymore.
I'm with Nate. And men kissing disgusts me. I'm not trying to please Jesus by being disgusted either. It's more of a visceral- maybe even... natural reaction.


Not that there's anything right with that, of course.
I'm with Nate. And men kissing disgusts me. I'm not trying to please Jesus by being disgusted either. It's more of a visceral- maybe even... natural reaction.


Not that there's anything right with that, of course.
He's allowed to have an opinion. Who cares.

why can't he have an opinion?

Idc what people do either but the propaganda and shoving it everywhere is where I have a problem
I agree. The far left is a cancer to us all.
Yes, it's stupid.

But let's just remember how equal opportunity outrage is today. Just a few years ago these same people were going ballistic if you had the audacity to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".

If we're going to simplify this with "both sides" (and we may as well, you all know exactly what I mean), then it's pretty clear both sides are guilty of outrage for clicks, and then calling hypocrisy on the other side for doing the same damn thing.
The commercials lately can be pretty disgusting at times, and some of them seem targeted at people with health anxiety.
True. I kinda chuckled at that. I'm just sick and tired of people disagreeing with something and that makes them a hater or racist or sexist or whatever.
Someday people will have real worries about getting enough food to not die. In the meantime we can foster this eternal outrage culture where people get offended about how turned on or off I get watching random assholes making out.

First world problems…
Someday people will have real worries about getting enough food to not die. In the meantime we can foster this eternal outrage culture where people get offended about how turned on or off I get watching random assholes making out.

First world problems…
For sure. Let's not worry about crime, world hunger or school shootings. Let's worry about accusations instead.
Lots of Sherdog Homophobes popping up here.

People like 'why can't he have an opinion?' - he can so why can't others have an opinion that his view expressed openly on social media is homophobic? Ain't that how free speech works?

Cgaf if two dudes are kissing because I fundamentally have no problem with people being whatever sexuality they are - I don't give a shit and it doesen't bother me if its portrayed on TV.