Social Natalie Portman to play the first female Thor

Oh, they're making a superhero movie?

It's about time. Totally untapped genre. There are many new and interesting stories to be told.
Because you quoted the thread where I said the original romans were probably lighter than the republican romans and implied it was because I read Kemp. I don't care about that Kemp dude.
Egyptians were caucasian in the broad sense too, not white europeans but not black africans, close to modern day egyptians and other north africans.
Except that the anthropological classification that designates Egyptians as caucasoids also applies it to Ethiopeans, Somalians, Eritreans and Yemenis. Not to mention South Asians.
Why do you not think she can pull off a Jane Foster Thor? She's a top notch actress so the acting isn't a problem. She did a solid job in Black Swan and practicing to look and move like a ballet dancer is 10x harder than any kind of training she'll need to play a Jane Foster Thor...
She doesn't have a very commanding presence and what action scenes I've seen her in are lacklister.
Because you quoted the thread where I said the original romans were probably lighter than the republican romans and implied it was because I read Kemp. I don't care about that Kemp dude.
Egyptians were caucasian in the broad sense too, not white europeans but not black africans, close to modern day egyptians and other north africans.

For whatever it's worth, the Northern Africans, namely the Berbers, are said to have been "closely related" to European populations, through genetic study.

One funny tidbit in history is that Germanics/Nordics actually established a kingdom in North Africa, some 1600 years ago, the "Vandal kingdom".

They are best remembered for the sack of Rome in 455.
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Why Portman? Well if they are doing Jason Aaron’s Story line. Who better to play a sickly stage 3 cancer patient than Portman?

Edit: There was a picture of Cancer Jane here, but apparently there are no pics in the WR.

This story arc was award winning, and Taika will nail it. Also, this story line might stop all the bitching about Marvel being “too funny”.

A reddit poster has said that one possibility to move the story forward is that the exposure to the Æther is the catalyst for her cancer. As far as the Thor part. Just like with Hulk and Thor, body suits and CGI will be her friend. Jesus Christ, RDJ practically walked the set in high heel boots or on boxes to look taller. The movie magic will flow for Portman.

I’m not one for gender bending or race swapping from source material, but this story arc IS source material. Not something made up on the fly. I’m more pissed at the Eternals casting choices than this. I mean, the one lone Asian Eternal, and they put a Pakistani in his place, while the actual Asian actor they do have plays a white guy. While putting 3 females into male roles. THAT is throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. THAT is pandering to appearing diverse. And I fucking hate that I will probably still go to see it because I have to see ALL Marvel movies in the theater.

But Lady Thor? I’m in.
Except that the anthropological classification that designates Egyptians as caucasoids also applies it to Ethiopeans, Somalians, Eritreans and Yemenis. Not to mention South Asians.
Yes? Indians are caucasian with some being from an ancient population, aka negritos, probably related to australian aboriginals. (North) Indians are also partly european white due to the indo-european migrations.
Yes? Indians are caucasian with some being from an ancient population, aka negritos, probably related to australian aboriginals. (North) Indians are also partly european white due to the indo-european migrations.
Dravidians are also Caucasoid.


Negrito and Andamanese peoples are not related to subcontinental Indians at all. They share more kinship with Malays and Filipinos, and of course Australian aboriginals.
Dravidians are also Caucasoid.


Negrito and Andamanese peoples are not related to subcontinental Indians at all. They share more kinship with Malays and Filipinos, and of course Australian aboriginals.
Yes, but Dravidians came later, the original population was Negrito I think. Most Indians have some of that original DNA still.
Negritos-->Dravidians-->Indo-Europeans, the last two are caucasoid. Modern Indians are a mix.
Jane first picked up the hammer in 2014 though is the thing. It's been 5 years since it happened in the books so it's not like it's forced.
I have only heard bad things about that run of Thor though.
I ain’t heard much but past Punisher MAX i haven’t paid much attention to western comics.
There's a couple of infamous panels from that run that I couldn't believe were real when I first read them. Apparently the writing was really bad and people did see it as forced SJW shit.
There's a female Thor in the comic books? I don't get this trend of making alternate reality versions of existing characters, it's just confusing. Just make a new character with her own name.
It was a story arc. Thor got bored with the duties of being a leader, and Janes is able to wield his hammer and becomes "thor". Thor is still around, using his war axe, and basically acting like a Viking, but with god powers.
Awesome! Yet another pointless super-hero movie I will not be watching.

I'm disappointed how this is 7 page thread because it shows people in the war room are emotionally and financially invested in pro-trans pro-illegals liberal-alliance Disney company products.

Next you'll be telling they wear Nike, post regularly on Facebook and re-buy these same Disney products on their Netflix.



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It was a story arc. Thor got bored with the duties of being a leader, and Janes is able to wield his hammer and becomes "thor". Thor is still around, using his war axe, and basically acting like a Viking, but with god powers.

Thor didn’t get bored. Nick Fury kicked him in the emotional nuts and made Thor believe he was unworthy in the “Original Sin” story line. Much like in endgame, he became a basket case trying to become worthy again and was all in his feelings, because if Thor doesn’t believe he’s worthy apparently he loses the ability to wield Mjölnir.

This storyline is a love it or hate it arc. Once I got over what I thought was a forced SJW narrative, I enjoyed it. Jason Aaron delivers a decent Thor story whether male or female version.
Gwendoline Christie should have been casted as fem Thor
the right size but not sexy enough. they could look into "other" film about Alison Tyler? 6ft, built and has already played wonder woman.
she was getting spitroasted by batman and superman, but still <{ohyeah}>

That’s kinda weird because she was already in other Thor movie(s). Is it the same character?

Yes Jane Foster becomes Thor. Thor becomes king thor or Odinson. Its based on comics.

Well to be fair we have also had Frog Thor


Meh. I'm out. It just feels like more Hollywood Political pandering to me. If people support this crap they'll only make more of it.

I dont understand this trend of replacing existing characters with minority characters. I have no problem with female/minority characters/leads but make new ones and lets move forward.
Why change what already exist for politics?
(This applies to comics as well as movies and any other media.)

It's accurate to the comics. Chris Hemsworth is still there.. he's not being "replaced"

Several women had been "Thor" in the comics.. it's the power of Thor, not the character of Thor

Thats how the comics work.. aside from several other male and females.. a frog was once Thor.. also a horse named Bill


This is where consumers have power, vote with your money

They must know what they are doing. The recent Marvel movie is already the the highest grossing movie of any type in history.

I liked the Jane Foster Thor in the comics. I'm not 100% sold on Portman playing that role but who knows, she might do a good job.

I do hope this means that there may be an Unworthy Thor movie in the works.

Edited because my phone autocorrected Jane to Kane.

She would be the first MILF to play Thor as well as the first Israeli. Mind blown.

Wish you posted in the WR more. You are DESTROYING whiney cuckservatives. Some of these people are really bent out of shape about women having leading roles. Bizzaro

Why do you not think she can pull off a Jane Foster Thor? She's a top notch actress so the acting isn't a problem. She did a solid job in Black Swan and practicing to look and move like a ballet dancer is 10x harder than any kind of training she'll need to play a Jane Foster Thor...

Spiderman was created in 1963.
How many good guy vs bad guy stories can be told for 60 years before things get stale?
People that complain about this stuff need to understand that these stories came from comics, and that a lot of these classic characters are older than your parents.

"Make a new character" isnt a good business strategy when people like the original,or there is a built in name value of reimagining the character. Characters that we know and like today would be easily forgotten if we constantly were just creating new characters. And people are going to spend their money on the characters they know, not new random ones.

Ah,... wow. Just when I think the Marvelverse can't pander any lower. Is their target audience so stupid that they don't understand what's happening or do they just not care? Or both?

She doesn't have a very commanding presence and what action scenes I've seen her in are lacklister.

Why Portman? Well if they are doing Jason Aaron’s Story line. Who better to play a sickly stage 3 cancer patient than Portman?

Edit: There was a picture of Cancer Jane here, but apparently there are no pics in the WR.

This story arc was award winning, and Taika will nail it. Also, this story line might stop all the bitching about Marvel being “too funny”.

A reddit poster has said that one possibility to move the story forward is that the exposure to the Æther is the catalyst for her cancer. As far as the Thor part. Just like with Hulk and Thor, body suits and CGI will be her friend. Jesus Christ, RDJ practically walked the set in high heel boots or on boxes to look taller. The movie magic will flow for Portman.

I’m not one for gender bending or race swapping from source material, but this story arc IS source material. Not something made up on the fly. I’m more pissed at the Eternals casting choices than this. I mean, the one lone Asian Eternal, and they put a Pakistani in his place, while the actual Asian actor they do have plays a white guy. While putting 3 females into male roles. THAT is throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. THAT is pandering to appearing diverse. And I fucking hate that I will probably still go to see it because I have to see ALL Marvel movies in the theater.

But Lady Thor? I’m in.

I have only heard bad things about that run of Thor though.

It was a story arc. Thor got bored with the duties of being a leader, and Janes is able to wield his hammer and becomes "thor". Thor is still around, using his war axe, and basically acting like a Viking, but with god powers.

Thor didn’t get bored. Nick Fury kicked him in the emotional nuts and made Thor believe he was unworthy in the “Original Sin” story line. Much like in endgame, he became a basket case trying to become worthy again and was all in his feelings, because if Thor doesn’t believe he’s worthy apparently he loses the ability to wield Mjölnir.

This storyline is a love it or hate it arc. Once I got over what I thought was a forced SJW narrative, I enjoyed it. Jason Aaron delivers a decent Thor story whether male or female version.

I did not know anything about the Jane Foster Thor, Unworthy Thor arc and just found this summary video.

It is long at 30 minutes but flows well and tells a good narrative imo for any interested in understanding the arc I think they will, at a minimum, be pulling from.
