Name a movie that makes you think of a fighter

Evan Tanner - Into The Wild
Revenant - Khabib
Gone girl - Ronda
Unfriended - TJ
Travis Browne - Troy
Cain Velasquez - Training Day
Ronda Rousey - The Hills have eyes
Conor McGregor - Snatch
Team alpha male - the muppets movie
Jose Aldo - apocalypto
Dana White - Scrooge
Fertitas - oceans eleven
Frankie Edgar - goodfellas
Holly holm - Mary poppins

The visual must always be posted when this is mentioned

I consider Joel Edgerton's role in Warrior as the Rich Franklin story.
The visual must always be posted when this is mentioned


That's The Goonies and my heart breaks because you didn't know that. However, my heart swells with joyous hope knowing that now you can see it for the first time.
Don't know where we'll go with this but i'll start :

Jon jones - Fast and Furious
Anderson Silva - My left foot
Roy Nelson - Free Willy
Mark Hunt - The last of the mohicans
Conor Mcgregor - Liar liar

Ben Rothwell - Mrs Doubtfire
That's The Goonies and my heart breaks because you didn't know that. However, my heart swells with joyous hope knowing that now you can see it for the first time.

haha, thanks for the correction. I don't think I'll have time to see it.
Ali. Makes me think of James Toney.