my wife complains I snore and wants to sleep separately

Didn't read all replies, so I may be repeating something.

First thing to try are those Breathright strips, or something similar. They help a lot of people. If that doesn't work, go to a ENT Dr and find out if you have a nose problem. Though I'll mention that I had a turbinectomy 2 years ago and I still snore. And the recovery for that surgery if fucking AWFUL. Not painful, but breathing through your mouth for a week or more sucks, and I won't even get into the drainage...
Sleep apnea is another possibility.
Yeah don't have that surgery. I know someone that did it just because of snoring and he said it was hell, and he still snores.

I have a cot in my man cave that i sleep on when my snoring is really bad. I start the night in bed and if I snore then i told her she can wake me up and I'll go sleep in the cot.

I don't mind sleeping alone and we still bang so it's not hurting us that bad yet. The cot sucks though so i may get another bed instead if i can't solve the snoring issue
Probably uppercuts

and maybe a few rousey's to cap the night off

Fuck her until she is exhausred. JFC some people.
"Cuzimbeta" kind of says it all..

Why is "he" mad anyways, did you stop catching?
So I have my own man-cave in the basement and bedroom. Very nice down there. She said I snore too loud and she can't sleep, though we want to sleep together.

How do we fix the problem?
If you snore really bad you should see a doctor, it is a sign of potentially serious health issues.
Could be sleep apnea, one day you might not wake up. Maybe try this first..
Yeah don't have that surgery. I know someone that did it just because of snoring and he said it was hell, and he still snores.

I have a cot in my man cave that i sleep on when my snoring is really bad. I start the night in bed and if I snore then i told her she can wake me up and I'll go sleep in the cot.

I don't mind sleeping alone and we still bang so it's not hurting us that bad yet. The cot sucks though so i may get another bed instead if i can't solve the snoring issue

Seriously, don't just take your buddy's word for it. I had the surgery and it made a huge difference in my life.

At least have a nose and throat specialist check you out to see what's happening. One side of my sinuses was almost blocked from sports injury to my nose as a kid.

Yes, post-surgery was hell... for about 5 days.

When the doctor took the turbinator splints out (I think that's what they are called) and I took my first breath.... I was blown away. It felt like someone was blowing compressed air up my nose. I can't really describe it. I was able to breath through my nose at night without issues.

That was 5 or 6 years ago and I haven't snored since.

Like I said, have a doctor check you out... at least you'll know what's going on.
That sucks. Try the snoring strips or go see a doc.
I snored too much for my dude when i was pregnant (it stopped after lol). He slept in another room for the last months .it was awesome to have that much room in bed tbh
I have an idea. Go see your Doctor! We are not going to be able to help you.
So I have my own man-cave in the basement and bedroom. Very nice down there. She said I snore too loud and she can't sleep, though we want to sleep together.

How do we fix the problem?

Start snorting cocaine, or stop snorting cocaine, depending whether you currently have a coke habit.
So I have my own man-cave in the basement and bedroom. Very nice down there. She said I snore too loud and she can't sleep, though we want to sleep together.

How do we fix the problem?

You probably have sleep apnea. If you get a cpap machine it will be better for your health and you will not snore.
So I have my own man-cave in the basement and bedroom. Very nice down there. She said I snore too loud and she can't sleep, though we want to sleep together.

How do we fix the problem?

have you tried using the "breathe right" strips?
Cut the sugar and carbs out of your diet completely for a week or two before you mess with a mouth piece. You might be surprised at the results like I was.

I have a deviated septum and my snoring is atrocious. Not a smoker. Not a drinker any longer, sleep on my side and I'm not a slob. I've used a netti and I still have issues. Thinking of getting a mouth piece. Suggestions?
So I have my own man-cave in the basement and bedroom. Very nice down there. She said I snore too loud and she can't sleep, though we want to sleep together.

How do we fix the problem?

There are a lot of things that can cause snoring. Weight can be a huge factor as can diet. Wheat, flour, or dairy can trigger light snoring in my wife. And if the eats both combined, she will shake the walls. On the occasional night she has pizza I don't even bother trying to sleep with her.

Go back and trace your diet to the nights when you snore the worst. I bet you will find some common threads you can work on. If it is a nightly thing, remove all alcohol, wheat, flour, and dairy from your diet for a week and see if that changes anything.