My Vision and Beliefs that Govern my Reality (long skyscraper of material)

Bravo Four

Brown Belt
Nov 20, 2006
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The last thing I ever witnessed before I permanently decided to abandon forever, ended my life of ever again watching television that has no purpose like many things I have cast aside with nearly all possessions save hardware of my calling to be my blade in nature's eventually bounty on me. It honestly ending with seeing Liam Neesen, die in horrible pain as man must against beast or ice like the survivors who truly learned what life is in horrifying final hours. Don't spare opinions on the untracacies of his political or co star tidbits which do not matter in my universe. The raw real life bad ending that paints no clearer picture than I would ever need.

Only a raw look at what man should expect from a world built on the laws of damning struggles to exist in the trials of life that ended in death for everyone as all things do. I've never seen myself better than a sniper that doesn't know if losing all he has left that love is forever taken, does a bullet take me or do I have one last showdown with my war to fight one last time and fall in battle? Death must come. If I make my death happen, only then, did I dictate from start to finish, pure control over my life span that you cannot see what I do.

That Chris Kyle didn't meet a tragic end. No. He joined a rare few that are forever immortalized in their youthful image like plane crashes give us, or the fighter unbeaten cut short you only remember for his youthful image. Not what men become when we are late stage humans.

As a very introverted near unspoken being that uses my eyes and ears to dissect every nourishing fact my simple sensing can fire into the octane fueled brain that most people that reach a level of awakening suffer from very debilitating mental health problems and very undeveloped basics you wouldn't believe someone so smart had such a cost. I am not normal. That's my lot in life.

I couldn't convince one of you to some of my logic that is raw as a movie about being devoured by wolves and succumbing to the elements is nothing but a eye watching life beget life as natural as I gave credit to a movie that honestly, doesn't really matter by standards of normal human measure that I do not have the sickness that demands I look at any human apparatus as anything more than irrelevant to the only thing that a human will ever need before, I'm just hoping to touch one mind and awaken you to my vision..I promise you that for those of you in the group of people that will see your own moment of death in a 10-30 second timeframe where I tried to tell you now, as ever, prepare for it because I promise you if you can visualize if you are happy and content, blessings to you and I pray for painless shatter as myriad spectra casts a slingshot of your soul's last memory.

When you are only conscious for less than a second, when you knew, wow, my soul just blew into the heavens..and like a candle snuffing out you are freed from slavery and are wrapped in the peace of everything and nothing promises such contented end to misery we deserve to have a self-aware nerve sack that thinks pain impulses reason enough to say, ok fuck this shit why is this feeling incumbent to you enduring it because you were told what everyone else is? Does simply satisfying the status quo and keeping shit simple do it for you? Again, I only want your contented peace with knowing you are free from suffering, so I can check with the others and maybe convince someone that I don't want anyone to wake up to what I know now, is the last horrifying realization a man flayed like a skinned muppet as a car full of young people see what I see the moment they realize they will be cleaved asunder and their meat and bone is a human suffering men and women who live with seeing such faces of death in the face because I made myself confront the most horrific endings of man that show me we are not special and I emplore you to ask yourself, if you can truly and honestly as lying only hurts you for denying what death's head will collect you, I, and truly, that just means some people have agonizing final moments that do not sit well with me because I do not want anyone to suffer but only achieve contended death and accept a hard to sell team rule nobody will like me for, and that's who will agree with me, that we cannot as a species help a trapped minority of frightened slaves that see and feel cruel blades of nature treating them as anything in the way meets with no measurable horror we are saddled in bearing for, forgive my language, a fucking longshot the biggest slaver since the Pharoa's and the raw suffering Hakkenkreuz that eerily captivating symbol of our rawest baser animal instincts, Nazism showing what a human brain assembled in dangerous harmony is the human tempest and well orchestrated human tidal waves show what we morph into as a massive species filled eruption of pure animal instinct nature gave a steel wall of the most horrifying animal attack the life on earth shows what any creature with a brain does. You lash against the weak, in a defining moment of Mother Nature that a human assembly of massive proportions showed what this species does with its mental acuity, and becomes the steel hurricane I refer to as the moment in history where mankind had achieved a phenomenon never before seen before in nature, and hear it now:

This is our "swarm of hornets" or "elephant stampede" that a human millions of nature's dead anyways, die great human scorpion tail
cleaving a wound no child of Mother Nature could match our version, that I have named the moment in time we achieved as the best lashing out of organism complexity of such grandiose complexity, I have named this paradigm the moment in 1941 where we ignited the Cataclysm Switchblade.

It began on the 22nd of June in the year 1941, forming a four million man riding the steel fist of the racist but nature true zenith our nastiest self was to become, it unleashed the most horrific ambush in human history that the stupidity of the aggressors massive blade at your communist arch nemesis that couldn't have made such an epic meat grinder of proportions I cannot properly convey to honor what happened to our remaining innocence as true demons of being itself. The slash was the largest land invasion in human history and stretched from the White Sea to the Black Sea with the goal of the most evil face a war ever saw, and that is what is called a battle of annhiliation. Teutonic Knights of modern flavor showed the ancient truth that Pliny the elder, Roman philosopher/writer I hope it was one or the other, called the Germanic men of the area that would eventually unify Germanic tribes into a larger identity, all based on the little known curiousity:

Furor Teutonicus was a Roman way of essentially implying that Germanic Aggression is a unique and war like built in reason whatever made us likely gave the bloodline for who fucking knows -that would end in Nuremberg when the last time such old terms were used to point a finger that is finally no longer tolerating any more chance of "Teutonic Aggression" from occurring after the allies neuter them so to speak. Like a form of our racism is more pious than your racism.

Enough on the war I devote entirely to my final thread before I leave here, I must try to wrap up this Android cock leviathan that chased off Apple and most readers intolerant of walls stacked in shit so high. My apologies on that.

So, the Cataclysm Switchblade ended when our last display of venom spewing rage was smashing our very builders atoms in horrific oblivion stop Japan who succumbed as the final victims the Cataclysm sliced into conclusion. We have not learned, and as a civilization, reside in a haze referred to as the post WWII age of hope, where the unspeakable fucking numbers of human life sliced of a noticeable percent of human life just to sate the attack being the final battle of centuries old beef the order of Europe are very catatonic in having survived.

What to make of it? - I cannot truly give you much insight on reason only nature gives us clues to work with without our weak killswitch (see next paragraph) we bear unlike other mortal beasts. Need more reason as to why? I do not really know but I will spend my final days so I can arm a brain with my souls plan.

Other than other that assumptions we could wave our cocks at each other all day and be just dickwaving baton twirling cheerleaders who achieve no collective "gold ore" any forum thread breeds such vigourous effort for the sake we compete like beasts that are no different than a bigger version an Android phone fan group will be sure to get that damned cocky ass Apple's attention when they show how competition knows no bounds, as a healthy Apple iPhone showers and is no gym rat, but can lay pipe with naughty tens that makes Android fans (pure random competition head butting of sheep at the corporate level) just don't end when Apple still have naked startles as very well muscled and heavily unregulated Trenbolone abuser with a horrific penis operation he makes sure Apple knows with a point of the hand, "Hey Apple, look at my dick! What's up now Apple? Have a yogurt thrower this big!? No, I fucking win Apple!! as a very uncomfortable Apple that still is happy with an eight inch thing that thankfully the odd Android moments get less weird and so don't fucking care to trade barbs with odd homeless people that hate their natural sync man can point to as example of good sides to our existence.

The basics that our kill switch (human weakness and silly belief we are important because our ego craves handjobs at any mental level) is what makes us so retarded (delayed time-space matter moving in congruous sync with all other matter on earth. We are abhorrent and extremely selfish and above all, stupid stupid masses of feeble weaklings that depend on the genius one on a billion spoon feeds humanity along like one in a billion that is simply a less fucked up tier one dipshit human blood makes. My only hope is the right soul will do as I believe to be the human pang at some half baked one percent grasp a still very weak mind that being honest keeps us sharp, that our hidden magic compass telling our cellular makeup "be good and generally kind." As most humans, believe it or not, are a form of inherently "good" alignment heavy species pixie dust something makes us use it like a moth depends on a flame. Or a being any less important than our own true selves.

Only the peace of oblivion frees you from your forced enslavement that were forced against your will to deal with as a decades long rape of the nerves in one death march nobody to this day has had luck figuring out why feeds such suffering pointlessness that needless suffering be oppressed as a global time countdown that failing to save every last human from pain we only truly know -we know it is real and can logically ascertain it and do not need to be stupid and start pretending we are here for a reason that

Sorry. Gotta cut off the cock sauce nozzle on you guys, it's time for work. Sorry if this mess even makes sense.
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Not even going to include cliffs, huh. This isn't your personal blog so there are going to be very, very few people who are going to care to read all that.
Nah wtf. Do it even need to say TL;DR.

Where the cliffs at though?

But, uh.. don't kill yourself? Even Cohle found a moment of peace at the end - without dying, mind you.
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