My Problem with the Knee

So when you say defeat the left what does that mean?

Defeat them politically by telling the truth, pushing back on their policies, and treating their actions and words with complete contempt. And then not fold or cower when you guys flail around on Twitter and the msm like babies throwing a tantrum.

All he did with the NFL was speak the truth and voice an opinion. That's usually all it takes to expose and marginalize you guys.

I give him credit for being able to play the media but I don't think he's some 4D chess player. I think he says what's on his mind with a lot less thought as to the consequences of it when compared to the average politician which is partly why he got so popular in the first place. People got tired of the focus tested statements and his approach was a breathe of fresh air for some.

And you don't think he knows this and capitalizes on it?
Defeat them politically by telling the truth, pushing back on their policies, and treating their actions and words with complete contempt. And then not fold or cower when you guys flail around on Twitter and the msm like babies throwing a tantrum.

All he did with the NFL was speak the truth and voice an opinion. That's usually all it takes to expose and marginalize you guys.
Why do you keep saying "you guys"? I don't even watch the NFL or have a twitter account.
And you don't think he knows this and capitalizes on it?
Idk, maybe but I don't think he's a very deep thinker or strategist so maybe not.
Why do you keep saying "you guys"? I don't even watch the NFL or have a twitter account.

Yeah but you side with the left on many of their ridiculous positions. And you volunteered yourself to the made up gulags you referenced.
Yeah but you side with the left on many of their ridiculous positions.
Like what?
And you volunteered yourself to the made up gulags you referenced.
Hey, you're the one with disdain for the opposition. If Trump ordered leftists sent to Gulags I wouldn't expect you to push back against him on that. After all, the left needs to be defeated right?
Like what?

Like wanting to make white people feel uncomfortable

Hey, you're the one with disdain for the opposition. If Trump ordered leftists sent to Gulags I wouldn't expect you to push back against him on that. After all, the left needs to be defeated right?

Didn't I just explain what I meant by defeated? Why would you go back to the gulag thing again? Typical leftist thing to do actually.
Like wanting to make white people feel uncomfortable
Did you read my post explaining that?
Didn't I just explain what I meant by defeated? Why would you go back to the gulag thing again? Typical leftist thing to do actually.
T'was a joke but you took it seriously.
I wish the president would act like an adult, and concern himself with the myriad problems facing our nation instead of whinging over some football players.

I wish the NFL would neuter these protests by doing what fucking South Park was capable of doing. Just have the announcer, before the national anthem, announce "Ladies and Gentleman, would you please stand, or sit, or take a knee, in respect of the national anthem."

And I wish everyone wearing a flag pin that talks about respecting the flag would shut the fuck up.
It was a deflection is what it was. Let's keep it real Kafir.
Naw, it was a joke. You really think I expect to find myself in a gulag and then expect you to smuggle candy for me?
Naw, it was a joke. You really think I expect to find myself in a gulag and then expect you to smuggle candy for me?

I don't. But it does seem like it was your way to deflect from and avoid what I was saying.
Go on youtube and watch hundreds of videos of white people getting shot by cops. Then come back and we can have a discussion.

This happened 3 blocks from my house. It was crazy.

Also, after the cop shot the guy he lied about it. He said he didn't shoot.

I could post endless videos of white people getting shot by cops. It isn't a racial issue. Take a step back and let reality soak in.

There are probably many more racially charged incidents than one side is willing to admit, and many less than one side admits.

However, I think the problem is more an example of our two tiered legal system. If you have money, you can threaten a cop, push a cop, not much less than grab at his belt, and nothing will happen. Everyone else is fucked from the jump.
They have that right to protest, and we have that right to critique how they do it.
And owners of private organizations have the right to fire someone who does. And the POTUS has the right, indeed probably the moral obligations to call out these unAmerican actions as he sees fit.
I don't. But it does seem like it was your way to deflect from and avoid what I was saying.
You're just saying you're a hyper-partisan who isn't interested in dialogue or compromise, not really sure what there is to say to that. Even Trump doesn't agree as evidenced by the DACA deal with the Dems.
And owners of private organizations have the right to fire someone who does. And the POTUS has the right, indeed probably the moral obligations to call out these unAmerican actions as he sees fit.
Actually I think NFL players are protected from that by collective bargaining agreements.

What a fucking world we live in when collective bargaining is strong among these brain-damaged communications grads while average American workers see their private unions wither away.
You're just saying you're a hyper-partisan who isn't interested in dialogue or compromise, not really sure what there is to say to that. Even Trump doesn't agree as evidenced by the DACA deal with the Dems.

Hyperpartisan indicates that I'm in the tank for one party...but I hate both so how could that be?

By deflecting you are avoiding acknowledging just how terrible and detrimental the left is to our country.
Actually I think NFL players are protected from that by collective bargaining agreements.

What a fucking world we live in when collective bargaining is strong among these brain-damaged communications grads while average American workers see their private unions wither away.
Really? I'm sure NFL players have been fired for behaviour before. Usually there is a morality clause in these contracts and I cannot think of any worse moral and non-criminal behaviour than disrespecting the flag and the anthem.
Actually I think NFL players are protected from that by collective bargaining agreements.

What a fucking world we live in when collective bargaining is strong among these brain-damaged communications grads while average American workers see their private unions wither away.
NFL union isn't that strong, it's the weakest of the 3 major sports by a lot. The NFL players don't even have guaranteed contracts while NBA and MLB does, the only portion of an NFL player's contract that is guaranteed is the signing bonus, and if they retire early a portion of that could be taken away (see Calvin Johnson). Players suspended by the NFL have to appeal that suspension to the NFL that handed down the suspension (lol).
Hyperpartisan indicates that I'm in the tank for one party...but I hate both so how could that be?
You don't have to support a party to be partisan, could be a person or cause and you yourself said you support the right against the left and are not willing to accept compromise or dialogue, only defeat. Those are the words of a hyper-partisan.
By deflecting you are avoiding acknowledging just how terrible and detrimental the left is to our country.
Not really, I just don't want to really get into it with you because, as you yourself said, you're not interested in dialogue or compromise so why even bother? Thank G-d Trump doesn't agree and is willing to work across the aisle.
Really? I'm sure NFL players have been fired for behaviour before. Usually there is a morality clause in these contracts and I cannot think of any worse moral and non-criminal behaviour than disrespecting the flag and the anthem.
Well according to
NFL union isn't that strong, it's the weakest of the 3 major sports by a lot. The NFL players don't even have guaranteed contracts while NBA and MLB does, the only portion of an NFL player's contract that is guaranteed is the signing bonus, and if they retire early a portion of that could be taken away (see Calvin Johnson). Players suspended by the NFL have to appeal that suspension to the NFL that handed down the suspension (lol).
I'm wrong.
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If players were taking a knee to stand up for Colin Kappernick, I would understand.
If they were doing it to protest institutional injustice, I would disagree but understand.

The real reason they're doing this is to spite Donald Trump. The vast majority of these players only took a knee after Donald Trump said they shouldn't. That's childish reverse psychology.

If Trump said not to cut off your hand, would you cut off your hand?
If Trump said not to back-hand babies, would you smack some babies?

That they're defying their national anthem just because Trump said they shouldn't is immature.

Where was your "solidarity" at the beginning of the season when Kappernick wasn't resigned? That was the time to take a stand (knee).

It isn't reverse psychology. I can guarantee that the NFL commissioner, the owners, and the player's agents sat down and worked out how much money was to be made, either way. Lebron made it obvious that his sponsors won't give two flips if he calls the president a moron. The NFL is up tight and knows it has to do something to grab younger people. They know that standing up to a president that tells them who should be fired will carry no blowback. Sponsor don't give a shit who calls the president a moron. Trump is so far off the deep end that there is no popularity or money to be lost calling him an idiot.
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Really? I'm sure NFL players have been fired for behaviour before. Usually there is a morality clause in these contracts and I cannot think of any worse moral and non-criminal behaviour than disrespecting the flag and the anthem.
Yes NFL players can be fined for behavior, but they're not likely going to be fined of disciplined for sitting/kneeling during a National Anthem, and now they can't be fined or suspended for it because Trump called out the League telling them to fire players, and Goodell reacted by saying that players have the right to protest how they see fit.