My first MMA blog as a paranoid yet devoted fan :)

No one wants to read your gay blog. We are men here.
Lol if you think I'm signing into Tumblr.
Keep up the "good" work but nothing happened to the UFC other than a few injuries they had a great surplus year.
Ok when a company is in the black that means good.
When a company is in the red that is bad
Post the text.
I doubt many that are not on tumblr want to create an account just to read your post.
Post the text.
I doubt many that are not on tumblr want to create an account just to read your post.
He is right im not on subscribed to that site and i also dont feel the need to that. I really wanted to read what you wrote BTW. Not trying to sound negative, but i think the majority of people will not create an account to read an article. Okay OP have a nice day, i dont hope i come accross negatively.