Muslim Refugees Taught To Lie About Being Christian By NGOs

I'm not going to find the links, and even if I did you would hand wave them away as right wing source, didn't happen. You are free to believe there is no credibility to migrants being shipped and assisted from North Africa to Italy, given debit cards from Soros and mastercard, custom checks loosened to allow migrants free travel on trains up Germany Sweden from Italy etc. This thread is a prime example itself and is exactly why the Stop Soros bill was created, because of these organized subversive attempts.
If it comes from RT, yes, I would question the source. I'd accept quite a large number of other ones though. If it's so big a deal surely there's someone reputable that has covered it, isn't there?

So yeah, please do provide a source for these claims.
We're talking about Islamic culture and yes the Islam tells women to dress a specific way.

Saudi Arabia isn't a very good example of islamic culture. Most of the arab world considers Saudi to be extreme.

But you're still not clarifying. Are we talking about Islamic culture or Islam? Islamic culture doesn't tell women to dress in any way that is incompatible with modernity. If you're referring to Islam as a religion and not co temporary Islamic culture, is there a theological teaching that requires women to dress in a way that is incompatible with modernity?

Or is the issue that they have any rules on how women should dress at all? Are you saying that any culture that restricts how women can dress isn't compatible with the West?
Saudi Arabia is a perfect example. The whole Middle East is a perfect example. Afghanistan and Pakistan is a perfect example. North Africa is a perfect example. Women are told to dress a certain way and it's enforced by the men. You will find the same dress code in many Islamic countries. The way women are treated there wouldn't be compatible in western countries.

The quran does indeed tell women to dress in a specific manner. Men now force women to wear ridiculous (IMO) outfits that are completely out of place in Western countries, especially on Western beaches.

Women in the West have been harassed by Muslims for dressing in way that isn't to their liking.

There is no uniform code of dress for women across the Muslims world, though. If Saudi is a perfect example of the muslim world, is Jordan a perfect example? Is Malaysia a perfect example? Are Turkey or Lebanon perfect examples?

Which group gets to represent Islam?

Also, where in the Koran did you read that women have to dress a certain way and that men must enforce it? What about the dress is incompatible with the West? As a Catholic, our women are expected to dress a certain way too that is very similar to many of the countries you chose, but it has been decades since most people thought that Catholics were incompatible with the West. Do you think Catholicism is incompatible with the West?
Yes there is. The quran tells women to dress in a certain way

I never said the men must enforce anything. They just do and go too far imo.





Lol, you clearly haven't been to Turkey. And the Quran mentions that women should dress modestly and not expose their bosom. As in, not run about topless or exposing a cleavage. Such barbarism, right?
Whose alt are you any way?

Edit: Also adding that every experience I had with a woman wearing a hijab wore it willingly. No one is forcing anyone, but you know, cause Muslim women don't dress themselves as complete whores with a cleavage exposed I guess they are oppressed.

round 40 percent of Turkish women go to university, but only 11 percent graduate. Activists say a range of obstacles, from gender bias in high school to cultural pressures, pushes women out of education and widens Turkey’s workforce gender gap.

The men go to far and force them to wear ridiculous outfits.
Moving the goal posts I see by trying to make this about education now? First, it says PARENTS in the article. And you might also have ignored that a lot of the girls come from families with many children, thus parents can't afford to send them to college. Did you even read it? I also find it ironic that you used a Huffington post article when most of the Islam haters here consider it "fake news". I'll be watching your name to see if you ever write something similar, because then I'll know you have no backbone and will use anything that fits your agenda. And given your short posting history, it's pretty clear you came here with an anti Islam narrative that you're trying to peddle. I don't get some of you.. you hate feminism, and think it's a shame that traditional family values are dying and that women don't want children, thus making countries import immigrants, but you'll also immediately jump to bash Islam and middle eastern cultures that still has those values, just because they're Muslims.

Still haven't answered whose alt you are.
I'll be waiting with eager to see you link religionofpeace, answeringislam or jihadwatch, or maybe it will be a youtuber or something. My internet money is on religionofpeace.
And after having glanced at your posting history I see you're no different from the other fear peddlers, thus debating with you would be like banging my head against a wall. Pointless and only cause a severe headache.
Yes there is. The quran tells women to dress in a certain way

I never said the men must enforce anything. They just do and go too far imo.





Do you think those pictures are how normal women dress in those countries or are you just assuming those are the norm? I could post pictures of women dressed like that in the US. Or Amish women. Doesn't mean it's the norm.

Is your knowledge of how women are treated in these countries based off of Google searches? I think you think all muslim countries are like Saudi. So far, everything you've said is pretty exclusive to Saudi and village/tribal areas.
Yes folks liberals are this unstable.

Turkey’s cultural mentality holds that as long as girls are able to read and write, there is no reason for them to go on to university.

What goal posts? The whole point is that the way women are treated in Islamic countries isn't compatible in the West.

So you moved it from clothing to parents thinking that women should be mothers and take care of the families. That's called moving the goal post. You got called out, and you altered your argument to something else.
And I'm not a liberal.
There is no uniform code of dress for women across the Muslims world, though. If Saudi is a perfect example of the muslim world, is Jordan a perfect example? Is Malaysia a perfect example? Are Turkey or Lebanon perfect examples?

Which group gets to represent Islam?

Also, where in the Koran did you read that women have to dress a certain way and that men must enforce it? What about the dress is incompatible with the West? As a Catholic, our women are expected to dress a certain way too that is very similar to many of the countries you chose, but it has been decades since most people thought that Catholics were incompatible with the West. Do you think Catholicism is incompatible with the West?
You say you're a catholic but don't know that Catholicism build the West? And Catholicism is incompatible with the West? This must be one of the most imbecile things I've ever read.
This picture is for more accurate.
Turkish girls and women are a mix between those that chooses to wear the hijab and those that don't.
Nope I was talking about Islamic culture and wasn't focusing only on clothing.

I provided evidence that things are not ok for women in Turkey.

“It makes me feel very sad,” says Ust. “For a lot of girls in my class, it is like a taboo to tell their parents they may not want to marry or have children at all.”

Advocates say that cultural attitudes toward women in education are driving a gaping gender division in Turkey’s working population.
Men now force women to wear ridiculous (IMO) outfits that are completely out of place in Western countries, especially on Western beaches.

Women in the West have been harassed by Muslims for dressing in way that isn't to their liking.

Yes. You did. And no one (save extremists, which ironically are usually the countries that the U.S. support and consider allies. Even when I was in Egypt, a far more conservative country than Turkey, I still saw plenty of women that didn't wear a hijab) are FORCING them. You seem to have a problem understanding words. Pressure != Force. Pressure means "Ayse, if we send you to college your father will have to go to in debt" vs. *Gun to the head* "No college for you!"
I'm going to bed, but to combat this idiotic notion of people that has CLEARLY never been to Turkey, here's a great survey by Gallup.

Some bits:

The Gallup Poll results show that nearly half (45%) of Turkish women surveyed say they wear a headscarf in public, while a slim majority (52%) say they do not wear a headscarf.

To better understand Turkish women's opinions about wearing a headscarf in public, Gallup asked women what their main reason is (or is not) for covering their heads. Perceptions that wearing a headscarf is a religious obligation (49%) and symbol of Muslim identity (35%) are the most-oft mentioned reasons by those who say they wear a headscarf in public. Less than 5% of respondents mentioned tradition, obeying a male relative, or making one feel confident as reasons why they wear headscarves in public. These findings suggest that in Turkey those who wear a headscarf do so to express their religious identity and fulfill their spiritual obligation, not because of coercion.

But what compels Turkish women to choose not to wear a headscarf in public? Almost 6 in 10 respondents (59%) say they do not believe wearing a headscarf is a religious obligation, and about 1 in 10 (11%) say they do not like the look of a headscarf. Fewer than 10% of respondents mention other associations such as to obey a male relative, the headscarf is old-fashioned, or to be seen as an equal as reasons why they do not wear a headscarf.
You say you're a catholic but don't know that Catholicism build the West? And Catholicism is incompatible with the West? This must be one of the most imbecile things I've ever read.

That's cause you misread it, lol. Try again.
Nope I was talking about Islamic culture and wasn't focusing only on clothing.

I provided evidence that things are not ok for women in Turkey.

“It makes me feel very sad,” says Ust. “For a lot of girls in my class, it is like a taboo to tell their parents they may not want to marry or have children at all.”

Advocates say that cultural attitudes toward women in education are driving a gaping gender division in Turkey’s working population.

Things are even worse for women in America. 1 in 4 gets sexually assaulted. At school, even. At least, that's what I read in an article, so it must be true.
Snackbar: I'm actually a Christian feeing persecution.
German refugee office: Oh? I'm sorry, vee only accept people who are actually oppressed, like Muslims.
i have a friend i met on another forum and have known for almost 10 years now, he lives in egypt. hes been trying to go through the legal process to go anywhere - hes tried canada, germany, and a few other western europe countries. all turned him down, when he has the financial assets and education to take care of himself. very smart guy

and yet, germany scoops up these "migrants" out of the mediterranean every day. i told him just to go illegally or he's not gonna get accepted for a long time, if not ever
It's definitely the norm to see that type of clothing. The Quran encourages it.

Did you read your own chart? The niqab is only the norm in Saudi. Look at Turkey and Lebanon, where you claimed such things are the norm. Even that chart isn't representative of the norm in the cities because the numbers are skewed by backward village folk.

Also, you've never read the Koran, so stop.

Again, do you think Catholics are incompatible with Western values because of how our women are taught to dress?

What about huh?

You weren't aware that 1 in 4 college girls in America are sexually assaulted? I could post an obnoxious chart, but I'm not you and I try not to spread fake news.

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