Rumored Musk vs. Zuckerberg fight rumors *MERGED*

BTW, I'll Fight Zuckerberg tomorrow and after I put his lights out, I'll fight Musk at any weight he wants to, Just pay me.
Elon Musk is serious! This is the pinnacle of true fitness and athletic performance
Geeez. I needed sunglasses to view this pic. His skin color isn't white, it's called glare. Even the Sun said "SHIT!!! That's blinding". He could use it as a weapon. Can't hit what you can't see.
Good on Zuckerberg. As a fighter he's in his athlete prime. Mark doesn't have all the time in the world to wait for a 50 year fat man to get off his coach to come into this match with some sort of respect. Zuckerberg got a whole family to feed and can't put his UFC career on hold for no man
Now it's official.

Musk just doesn't want to fight.
It was never going to happen. Nobody is ducking anyone