Muay Thai vs pencak silat?????


White Belt
Oct 8, 2013
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Training in which MA will make you a good fighter the quickest. I heard wing chun takes years before you can actually apply it in real life while muay thai takes about 6 months before your fighting with confidence. What about Pencak Silat??? Which prepares you as a good fighter the quickest? MT or Pencac Silat?
What the hell is Pencac Silat?

Serious question?
Until you get in a fight you don't know how you will react. Whoever is telling you 6 months this 1 year that is just blowing smoke your way ts. Any legit martial arts training is better than none at all. Find something you enjoy and want to learn and you'll probably be better off at the end of the day.
You planning on getting in a fight soon, TS?
"Which prepares you as a good fighter the quickest?"

I feel as though it'd be Muay Thai, by a pretty large margin. IMO it'd be faaar more natural to the average person.
Do you seriously want to do this shit?

Pencak Silat body conditioning

More crazy Silat shit!

Silat has good knife techniques from what i hear. Weapons>Muay Thai.
Do 'em both. Preferably I'd say if you're just gonna do one start bjj and never look back. Otherwise between just those two you mentioned muay thai. By a mile.
Learn both if you can. Always be open to learn as many martial arts as possible. It helps you to develop into the best martial artists you can possibly be. There are many different styles of Silat throughout Southeast Asia. Some are more similar to Muay Thai and Muay Boran than others. Legit Silat gives you a lot of techniques (for grappling and striking) to choose from. But high level teachers are few and far between, so it's not always easy to find good teachers on that system. Best of luck and train hard!
Muay Thai or kickboxing most likely but it depends on where you live, a lot of it will be who's teaching it and who your sparring or competing against, etc. Wherever people are training for prize fights I guess sometimes mma gyms even
Train both couldn't hurt. Rob Kaman also train pencak silat when he was young
two or three of you gave me the most helpful replies I have found on the net. thanks. I suppose I will train in Muay Thai and Judo at the same time if I can, then when I have mastered those two martial arts, I will try either pencak silat or krav maga. I am just drawn to pencal silat because of the culture behind it. The black arts and voodoo type shit that is aligned with it in the INdonesian culture. I would never practice that because of my religious beleifs, however I find it so interesting.