Muay Thai in Orange County, CA


White Belt
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I'm moving to Fullerton CA and I'm looking for a legit Muay Thai school to train at. Can anyone recommend some of the best places within a reasonable commute? I'm willing to travel 45 minutes or so if I have to.
I'm moving to Fullerton CA and I'm looking for a legit Muay Thai school to train at. Can anyone recommend some of the best places within a reasonable commute? I'm willing to travel 45 minutes or so if I have to.

It's going to be a bit hard for you to find a really good Muay Thai gym near you. Not many dedicated Muay Thai gyms are near you, mainly MMA gyms that have a MT program.

I heard good things about Rounders MMA in Santa Ana. Head MT instructor is Bao Quach who trained under Team Oyama for awhile. I haven't trained there but you might want to stop by and see. The commute won't be great.

There's also Team Oyama in Irvine which has a much further commute. One of my friend's fights out of there and he likes it but I wasn't sold on this gym. I tried Team Oyama but it was a bit expensive to me and not my type of gym.

I used to train with Yuki Horuichi out of Boxing 2000 in Santa Ana but he's getting old and he doesn't have any students that come regularly.

Sorry not much help but best of luck finding something.
I'm still amazed and dismayed that non of the Thai stadium veterans have settled in Orange County yet. It seems like a market ripe for the picking!
muay thai academy in placentia. It's right next to fullerton. Also check out hfc fitness which is in fullerton.
Kings MMA is not too far.

Kings MMA is overrated in its "muay Thai". Most gyms should call their muay Thai plain "kickboxing". I don't doubt the quality of their striking but it's certainly not muay Thai. Like a poster said, it's surprising no Thai has set up shop in OC. Right now it's just kickboxing that includes knees and elbows. Also, what's with so much emphasis on long punching combos. Thais train more freely with not so much emphasis on combos.
There is a Chute Boxe program in HB now. I'm in Stanton which isn't too far from Fullerton. In fact I live in La Mirada. There are a lot of schools that teach Muay Thai around the area. PM me and I can give you an unbiased list of places to go. Just let me know what you are looking for and the hours you want to train.
Good to know about Kings. I've had 2 people recommend it but I think I've had way more recommend against it.
This place is in Orange...

I've stopped by to watch practice there before. They have a pretty skilled pad man that can work you nicely if you come in with good fundamentals, but if you're starting from the beginning here, I would suggest looking elsewhere as the way they teach their basics is not very solid or traditional in my opinion (at least from a stadium MT standpoint). The owner of the gym is a boxer to begin with, and the pad man (who is also the head instructor) has puttered around in Phuket a little bit doing the usual farang MT stuff (a cert here, beat up a tuk tuk driver there kinda deal).

The other thing I'd say they have going for them is that their tuition is very inexpensive and flexible compared to what you'd have to pay at other MT gyms.