MT conditioning and bag help.


Brown Belt
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
I just started Muay Thai last night. It is only twice a week. I have access to a punching bag. Do you guys know any good conditioning and bag routines I can do?

you can make routines up, 2 rounds of punches, 2 rounds of kicks, then 2 rounds of combinations. THrow a kick for every 5 punches thrown possibilities are endless.
take a specific technique , example left kick, and do that for a round of 1 min and then switch to a new technique and jsut go like that and at the end do one last roun of mixing all them together.
There's a whole sticky of them at the top of the forum.
Spoonman7 said:
you can make routines up, 2 rounds of punches, 2 rounds of kicks, then 2 rounds of combinations. THrow a kick for every 5 punches thrown possibilities are endless.
excellant rec. bro for a beginner!!!
Also do 20's with your kicks then work up to 50's
Hummm intresting no one asked what kind of bag you would be using.

Is it a Sand Bag? Water Bag?

Like others said, do rounds. Start with say 5 3 minute rounds then try to work up to 5 6 minute rounds.
Thanks guys. Not sure of the bags at my kickboxing "gym" [2x a week at a leisure centre] but the ones at my health club are stuffed with fabric.
Ok, be sure you don't overtrain on Sand bags because you can really f' up your knuckles (I have a very bad pinky knuckle).


Not from a bag, but too much stress on your hands from the impact of a sand bag can hurt you in the long run.
Shaolinsavage said:
On a completely different topic Kilkenny cream ale is the best beer ever.

Lol. Shaolinsavage. I'll have to try some.
Never drink anything with the word "cream" in it
3 minute rounds of nothing but very fast roundhouse kicks. Switch sides every 10 kicks. Followed by a round of nothing but hard kicks i can do about 20 on each leg switching every 10 for 1 round.

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