Moving and getting rid of things(junk)


Brown Belt
Oct 11, 2011
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So I'll be moving to Texas from Florida here real soon, and I've come to the realization that I might be a hoarder. I'm trying to downsize and get rid of as much as I can, but even things I know I will never use and have absolutely no use for, I still seem to have a hard time throwing away/donating.

Things such as old dvd cases/boxes, I put all my dvd's in those booklet holder things, so I have no use for the cases anymore, yet I still feel the need to hold onto them for nothing more than the cover artwork/posters. Weird I know. Other things include old college textbooks that I wouldn't be able to re-sell for even a couple bucks, so I'm just holding onto them for the extremely slim chance I decide to just go through and read them again for fun. From there it's just a bunch of random junk that I've accumulated from growing up that I feel compelled to hold onto.

Anyone else like this or have this kind of problem when moving? Give me your thoughts Sherbros.
one man's shame is another man's fap
Im the same way, TS.

I always keep things i dont need, haven't used in several years, or dont even remember i have until i stumble upon; in which then i rationalize to myself why i should keep it.

Also, i probably should've used that sentence in my wedding vows to replace the the 'for better or worse' part
I'm very minimal when it comes to "stuff". The only thing I "hoard" are comics. But really, I don't see much use for junk. If I don't use it, I don't have it.
TS needs a come to Jesus talk about possessions.
Im more of a hoarder out of laziness. If someone cleaned my garage out i wouldnt care but im too lazy to do it myself
I keep useless stuff in my drawers but it keeps accumulating but I am not overly bad with it since whenever I move I get rid of most of the stuff
My last move I donated so much shit. It was cathartic. I'd recommend it.
I won't go into it. Its too frustrating. But I had to clear out my mom's house, the house I and my siblings grew up in. Deciding what was thrown out, what was kept, figuring out where things went and......doing the recycling...was an absolute fucking nightmare. So much time and money. I literally had nightmares for a month after emptying out that place.
So I'll be moving to Texas from Florida here real soon, and I've come to the realization that I might be a hoarder. I'm trying to downsize and get rid of as much as I can, but even things I know I will never use and have absolutely no use for, I still seem to have a hard time throwing away/donating.

Things such as old dvd cases/boxes, I put all my dvd's in those booklet holder things, so I have no use for the cases anymore, yet I still feel the need to hold onto them for nothing more than the cover artwork/posters. Weird I know. Other things include old college textbooks that I wouldn't be able to re-sell for even a couple bucks, so I'm just holding onto them for the extremely slim chance I decide to just go through and read them again for fun. From there it's just a bunch of random junk that I've accumulated from growing up that I feel compelled to hold onto.

Anyone else like this or have this kind of problem when moving? Give me your thoughts Sherbros.

I travel to Texas often. Austin is my favorite.
I won't go into it. Its too frustrating. But I had to clear out my mom's house, the house I and my siblings grew up in. Deciding what was thrown out, what was kept, figuring out where things went and......doing the recycling...was an absolute fucking nightmare. So much time and money. I literally had nightmares for a month after emptying out that place.

Jeez that sounds crazy. I'm still pretty young so I don't have a ton of stuff but I definitely wouldn't want it to get to that point.
in the same boat TS, except it's my wives belongings. The other day she almost lost her mind when I was throwing away an empty bottle, she had to keep it because she got it overseas and loves the artwork. Psycho, if you ask me.
So I'll be moving to Texas from Florida here real soon, and I've come to the realization that I might be a hoarder. I'm trying to downsize and get rid of as much as I can, but even things I know I will never use and have absolutely no use for, I still seem to have a hard time throwing away/donating.

Things such as old dvd cases/boxes, I put all my dvd's in those booklet holder things, so I have no use for the cases anymore, yet I still feel the need to hold onto them for nothing more than the cover artwork/posters. Weird I know. Other things include old college textbooks that I wouldn't be able to re-sell for even a couple bucks, so I'm just holding onto them for the extremely slim chance I decide to just go through and read them again for fun. From there it's just a bunch of random junk that I've accumulated from growing up that I feel compelled to hold onto.

Anyone else like this or have this kind of problem when moving? Give me your thoughts Sherbros.

Nope I dont have this problem. If I dont need somethung I either sell it or give it away. I know everything I own and where it is located. To me its weird that people can forget about things they own.
I hate having too much stuff. Chuck as much of that shit out as possible, it feels good.