Movies that were OK at best,but had one particularly great scene(s)


Unimpressed Jiri
Feb 12, 2004
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For instance,Overall i think Prometheus is a big dissapointment,and that this could have been easily avoidable with a few tweaks,but laziness and inexplicably bad decisions have...oh well nevermind. But anyway i find the first scene in which the Engineer poisons himself and then dissolves into the ocean to spread the virus to be a beautiful and macabre moment. They at least got this part right.

P.S. they filmed this in Iceland no doubt,which i have visited so it has extra cool points for that for me.
That goes ditto for Predators,MEH movie with an incredible and original opening scene (and the fishburne scenes)

For me the first thing I think of is Les Miserables. So much hype leading up to it only to have it be the very definition of Meh. All except for Anne Hathaway’s “I dreamed a dream”, that was Amazing.

what was that horror movie where the old lady starts crawling on the ceiling?

that was the only scary part of the movie
what was that horror movie where the old lady starts crawling on the ceiling?

that was the only scary part of the movie
Goddamnit that shits on the tip of my tounge now.
This is one of the GOAT scenes in all of meh movies

Tin Cup.

Rest of film I found meh apart from a couple of scenes were okay but loved the closing scene where he keeps trying to get on the green..yea, i know theres errors in it but still love it.
Rocky 5 had good fights, montages and a Mickey flashback, and little else going for it.

Expendables 1 was crap but Mickey Rourke's speech was good.

Expendables 2 was crap but Van Damme's couple of scenes were good.

Highlander: Endgame wasn't anything special at all but the Connor flashback sequence as his life flashes before his eyes is decent.

Driven wasn't particularly good but the scene where Sly picks up the coins on his tires is good.

The stuff with the T-1000 and the two Arnolds at the start of Terminator: Genisys is pretty decent and then the movie turns into dog shit.

The Last Jedi is a piece of festering shit but Luke winking at C3PO and the showdown with Kylo were pretty good.

Terminator 3 is rat diarrhea but I didn't entirely hate the five seconds where Arnold walks out of the mausoleum and turns slowly with a coffin on his shoulder. Then the movie turns back into rat diarrhea right away.

Escape Plan is stupid but Arnold is awesome when he calls Sly a vegetarian and draws the map for Jim Caviezel. Nothing else in the movie is good.
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That goes ditto for Predators,MEH movie with an incredible and original opening scene (and the fishburne scenes)

Fishburne going crazy for no reason and fucking everything up for himself and the rest of them was the worst part of the movie.

Best part was the Walton Goggins stuff...
Highlander 2 wasnt a great movie but Connerys death with the bagpipes and shit was dope AF
Fishburne going crazy for no reason and fucking everything up for himself and the rest of them was the worst part of the movie.

Best part was the Walton Goggins stuff...
Fishburne was great. Hes a REAL actor,so shit actually got real when he entered the picture and gave some weight to it. Its just the budget to pay him ran out and so that was the only solution for the story.
Fishburne was great. Hes a REAL actor,so shit actually got real when he entered the picture and gave some weight to it. Its just the budget to pay him ran out and so that was the only solution for the story.

Literally any other way of removing his character would have been better. This guy has survived years of being hunted by the Predators but can't control himself for twelve hours without blowing up his own hideout?

It's basically the equivalent of Andy Dufresne walking out into the middle of the yard in Shawshank Redemption, after ten years of tunneling, and screaming at the top of his lungs to every guard and prisoner that he's digging a tunnel in his cell and it's behind the poster.
Literally any other way of removing his character would have been better. This guy has survived years of being hunted by the Predators but can't control himself for twelve hours without blowing up his own hideout?

It's basically the equivalent of Andy Dufresne walking out into the middle of the yard in Shawshank Redemption, after ten years of tunneling, and screaming at the top of his lungs to every guard and prisoner that he's digging a tunnel in his cell and it's behind the poster.
yeah im with you,i mean i dont defend this movie even. The way he died sucked,but..he was also the best thing about the movie up until that point. It had alot going for it,I mean Oleg is in this bitch but they tried like with all the other pred/alien modern past 90s do too much and not just keep it fuckin simple like the other movies.
This is one of the GOAT scenes in all of meh movies

Yeah, the Vader stuff had nothing to do with the movie but was the best part.
Doesn't quite fit the thread because it isn't a bad movie but the dinner scene in Dinner for schmucks is outstanding. One of the greatest scenes in comedy IMO.
Superman III isn't great but the fight between good and bad Christopher Reeve is great.
For instance,Overall i think Prometheus is a big dissapointment,and that this could have been easily avoidable with a few tweaks,but laziness and inexplicably bad decisions have...oh well nevermind. But anyway i find the first scene in which the Engineer poisons himself and then dissolves into the ocean to spread the virus to be a beautiful and macabre moment. They at least got this part right.

P.S. they filmed this in Iceland no doubt,which i have visited so it has extra cool points for that for me.

I actually like that film. But yes it has plenty of flaws