Movies from the pre digital area are just plain better

The one. withh Mathew Broderick is the best

.....thats literally the worst one of all time (in fact they even renamed him in any godzilla lore to simply zilla as he is seperate from actual godzilla, Godzilla fights Zilla in the comics (Godzilla goes to hell) and one of the Japanese Movies (Final Wars think). It isnt godzilla its an iguana.....

But now I question your taste in monster movies.
.....thats literally the worst one of all time (in fact they even renamed him in any godzilla lore to simply zilla as he is seperate from actual godzilla, Godzilla fights Zilla in the comics (Godzilla goes to hell) and one of the Japanese Movies (Final Wars think). It isnt godzilla its an iguana.....

But now I question your taste in monster movies.

It has so much more action than the newer ones
I remember John Carpenter talking about going to film school and needing to know the ins and outs of color timing film, developing film, handling a camera, knowing how to do lighting and how it relates to film grades, the ins and outs of editing, sound work, basically needing to know how to do the job of well over a dozen people. I think a lot of that expertise of the craft where a director had to know so much has been lost with the craft becoming easier due to digital and computer post production tools, which area a craft in and of themselves, but are much easier than the old methods.

As much of a pain as it can be, I think spending the time to get a single shot absolutely correct because you know how much time goes into setting it up and how much money film costs, made for a form of perfectionism that isn't really necessary for shooting digitally, and so with ease comes a form of mental laziness. There are directors like David lynch who just come up with ideas on the fly where shooting digitally can help them, but when you look at season 3 of Twin Peaks compared to his season 1 and 2 episodes and Fire Walk with Me and season 3 visually looks nowhere near as good. The red/blue and orange or amber/blue or teal color grading that is still going on (see the Rise of Skywalker poster) shows how lazy color grading and on set lighting has gotten.
patently, it’s not the best movie ever, but it’s a brilliant film, regardless. Some of the dialogue between the central cast is absolutely outstanding, and there’s a genuinely absorbing plot to follow.
It's one of my favourite movies, that phone call between Gleeson and Fiennes, all in one take, beautiful. Its the little things like that that are almost unnoticeable that make it great.
One of the most quotable movies in my house

What's a 50 year old lollypop man doing knowing fucking karate?

That's for John lennon ya Yankee cunt

And I didn't fuck her, I only put my hand on it

Two gay beers please

Like a big fat fucking retarded black girl

Course you don't fucking haveta, COURSE YOU DUNT FUCKING HAVETA!
And I agree, CGI is in overkill now and has been for a few years, it's tiresome

CGI blood is the laziest, shittest looking fad right now. Blood squibs or get the fuck out
I remember John Carpenter talking about going to film school and needing to know the ins and outs of color timing film, developing film, handling a camera, knowing how to do lighting and how it relates to film grades, the ins and outs of editing, sound work, basically needing to know how to do the job of well over a dozen people. I think a lot of that expertise of the craft where a director had to know so much has been lost with the craft becoming easier due to digital and computer post production tools, which area a craft in and of themselves, but are much easier than the old methods.

Probably most obvious in mainstream cinema that directors having a very strong influence on cinematography is perhaps not as great today as it was in the past. People like Gareth Edwards or Dennis Villeneuve are not that common anymore and it does tend to give a blander more uniform look to big/bigish budget cinema as a whole for me.

As much of a pain as it can be, I think spending the time to get a single shot absolutely correct because you know how much time goes into setting it up and how much money film costs, made for a form of perfectionism that isn't really necessary for shooting digitally, and so with ease comes a form of mental laziness. There are directors like David lynch who just come up with ideas on the fly where shooting digitally can help them, but when you look at season 3 of Twin Peaks compared to his season 1 and 2 episodes and Fire Walk with Me and season 3 visually looks nowhere near as good. The red/blue and orange or amber/blue or teal color grading that is still going on (see the Rise of Skywalker poster) shows how lazy color grading and on set lighting has gotten.

I'v still not seen the new Twin Peaks but in Lynch's case you are talking someone who was away from the industry for quite awhile. I do actually think the big advantage of digital is more towards the arthouse end, with smaller productions the cost of film/processing itself was a considerably amount of the total budget in the past and I suspect digital has played a big part in building up the arthouse/indy scene and allowing it to go beyond standard lofi drama.
I now have 25 movies on digital and 2 are 4K.

It's nice to have these at your fingertips.
disney got super lazy in the digital era compared to the craftsmanship of animated films from the past.
And I agree, CGI is in overkill now and has been for a few years, it's tiresome

CGI blood is the laziest, shittest looking fad right now. Blood squibs or get the fuck out

All the blood in Zodiac is CGI and its really obvious

One of my main complaints about Fincher is his prediliction towards using CGI
There are movies I will just never give a chance because of how stupid their names are, In Bruges is one of those movies.
HD movies digitally shot just have no fucking soul, I can't get into them same way my kids can't get into older movies. I remember when the hype for the new Star Wars picked up they got all excited about watching the original trilogy for the first time, 5 minutes into A New Hope they were like ewww gross this is way too old, not gonna watch! I feel that same way about newer CGI high def digitally looking movies there is just something lacking from the visual look of it, way too clean and it's like all the movies have the same look and have no soul, horror movies especially, I fucking despise newer horror movies they all look way too clean and completely overloaded with CGI. Nothing grinds my gears more than CGI blood splatter effect, fuck that shit.
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I don't think digital effects have damaged film making anywhere near as much as digital distribution has.

In the pre-digital era film-makers concentrated entirely on US box office sales. The film reels for cinemas were expensive and bulky, so Hollywood films would only be released to the American audience. If it did well in the home territory, after the run was over those same film reels would be shipped to other English speaking countries for bonus income. Since digital distribution took off, now they can release films in every cinema in the world simultaneously.

Recently people have been noticing companies like Disney kowtowing to China, but it's much more endemic than the odd censored gay kiss. Since film-makers started concentrating primarily on worldwide sales, films have to be dumbed down in order to make them easily translatable. Much of the cultural nuance that used to be in films just can't be there as it might confuse or offend other cultures.

Obviously this doesn't apply to all films, but it is responsible for much of the blandness seen in a lot of modern films.
And if I see another fucking movie about how strong women can band together to take down the patriarchy I'm boycotting movies altogether. So yeah sign me up for the "fuck new movies" club
When they're subtle, cleverly used, CGI is great.

But agreed, practical, in camera effects are just better. I'm really, really tired of the entire screen filled with shit going in every direction with lens flares aplenty.
HD movies digitally shot just have no fucking soul, I can't get into them same way my kids can't get into older movies. I remember when the hype for the new Star Wars picked up they got all excited about watching the original trilogy for the first time, 5 minutes into it they were like ewww gross this is way too old, not gonna watch!

But did you actually watch the original?
They replaced them with shitty cgi versions.
