Most underappreciated line in a movie ever

"It's a nice couch, I don't know"- Rocky
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"You wanna shot at the title?" Riggs in Lethal Weapon
First time i ever saw a triangle..

The greats of gene wilder and richard prior in hear no evil see no evil.
'Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman?'

And if you don't laugh at it, you need help...
In daddy's home

Will Ferrell character "my wife hired a handyman"

Marky Mark "your wife had to hire a man?!?"
I love that line in iron man 2 when rhoadie shows up

"Im here this is me lets deal with it" or something like that subtly addressing the obvious recasting.
I love that line in iron man 2 when rhoadie shows up

"Im here this is me lets deal with it" or something like that subtly addressing the obvious recasting.
"Good times, noodle salad."

I use it a lot. Plus juan to whoever knows what movie its from.
Speaking of Cage Vampires Kiss has a few...

JE Freeman has some great ones in Millers Crossing...

'If i'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer....'
ace ventura
Perhaps not obscure or under appreciated, but,

And, lighten up, Francis
Paraphrasing malkovich
"I take out my tractor and run you over for the rest of the day"

Really think about how psycho someone must ne to run you over for a day repeatedly backing up and moving forward. Probably stopping to pee 3x and continuously running you over.
Ask any kid and they won't know the line.
you could say that about nearly all famous movie quotes. Anyone who knows apocalypse now knows that line. It's the most famous quote from one of the most famous war films

Here's a list of media that riff on the line
Films — Animated
  • The Lion King 1½
    Timon: Ahh...I love the smell of Pumbaa in the morning.
  • Monsters vs. Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space
    General W.R. Monger: I love the smell of pumpkin guts in the evening. It smells like victory. Also, a little like pie.
  • Horton Hears a Who!:
    Horton: I love the smell of bananas in the morning!
  • In Bee Movie when Ken is attacking Barry in the bathroom, Ken sprays him with perfume.
    Barry: I love the smell of flowers!
    Ken: Oh, yeah?! How do you like the smell of FLAMES?! (holds up a lighter in front of the perfume spray)
    Barry: Not as much!

Films — Live-Action
  • DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story
    Patches O'Houlihan: I love the smell of queef in the morning.
  • Mallrats
    Brodie: I love the smell of commerce in the morning.
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
    Alvin: (entering classroom for the first time) Ah, I love the smell of zitcream in the morning!
  • Spawn
    Clown: I love the smell of burning asphalt in the morning.
  • Imagine Me & You
    Ned: I love the smell of hot dogs in the evening. Smells like... hot dogs.
  • Problem Child
    Junior: [After breaking several milk bottles] I love the smell of spilled milk in the morning. It smells like victory.
  • Small Soldiers
    Major Chip Hazard: I love the smell of polyurethane in the morning.
  • Garfield (2004)
    Garfield: I love the smell of cinnamon apple in the morning. It smells like victory.
  • The Chase
    Uncredited Clown: [after the end credits, gives the Apocalypse Nowspeech]
  • Tomcats
    Kyle: I love the smell of bridesmaids in the morning.
  • HE Double Hockey Sticks
    Ms. Beezlebub: I love the smell of carbon monoxide in the morning.
  • Bet Your Life
    Joseph: I love the smell of Cleveland in the morning. It smells like... Cleveland.
  • Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence
    Dr. Bern: I love the smell of zombies in the morning!
  • Casper:
    Stretch: I love the smell of fleshies in the morning!
  • Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie:
    "I love the smell of destruction in the evening!"

Live-Action TV
  • True Blood episode "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
    Jason Stackhouse: I love the smell of nail polish in the morning!
  • Charmed episode "Morality Bites"
    Nathaniel Pratt: I love the smell of burnt witch in the morning.
  • Veronica Mars
    Veronica: I love the smell of testosterone in the morning.
  • The A-Team episode "The Theory of Revolution"
    Murdock: I love the smell of revolution in the morning. It smells like hushpuppies.
  • Roswell episode "Viva Las Vegas"
    Alex: I love the smell of formaldehyde in the morning.
  • Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman episode "Stop the Presses"
    Perry White: I love the smell of ink in the morning.
  • Lizzie McGuire episode "Bad Girl McGuire"
    Gordo: I love the smell of pop quizzes in the morning!
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000watching The Giant Gila Monster
    Crow: I love the smell of lizard in the morning! It smells like... chicken!
  • NewsRadio episode "The Station Sale"
    Jimmy: I love the smell of a negotiating room in the morning. Smells like...
    Dave: Victory?
    Jimmy: What?
    Dave: Like victory, from Apocalypse Now, yeah.
    Jimmy: Dave, I'd love to discuss movies with you, but I have a negotiation to close.
  • The Invisible Man (2000-2002)
    Albert Eberts: I love the smell of toner in the morning.
  • Blue Murder episode "Lonely"
    DS Shap: [Approaching a landfill] I love the smell of landfill first thing in the morning.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Gingerbread", as Moral Guardiansare ransacking Giles's books:
    Principal Snyder: I love the smell of desperate librarian in the morning.
  • All My Children
    Ryan Lavery: I love the smell of power in the morning.
    Kendall Cambias: Well, good morning, Mr. Chairman. Your title fits you almost as well as that suit.
  • House, after the title character gets the last clue he needed to prove his diagnosis right from smelling the patient's bra:
    House: I love the smell of pus in the morning. It smells like... victory.
  • MythBusters: Just before the duo's first experience with New Mexico Tech's rocket sled, the local rocket expert is briefing them on the rockets they'll be using:
    Rocket expert: And if you take a whiff...[both the expert and Adam do so]... there's nothing like the smell of rocket propellant in the morning.

Video Games

Stand Up Comedy
  • Eddie Izzard (as the WWII US Cavalry): "I love the smell of Europe in the morning!"

Web Comics

Web Original

Western Animation
  • In an episode of Recess where the class is taking a field trip, Ms. Finster comments "I love the smell of diesel in the morning."
  • From the Sabrina's Secret Lifeepisode "At the Hop":
    Salem: Yuck! I hate the smell of brimstone in the morning. (jumps, opens window and sniffs) Yeah.
  • At the beginning (and end) of the Jimmy Neutron episode "Sorry, Wrong Era", Sheen says "I love the smell of banana in the morning" while making milkshakes with his friends.
' yo She-Bitch.. let's go '
evil dead 2

'That... is yours'
Tango & Cash
"I feel like a lightning bolt just hit the tip of my penis."

-Step Brothers
Goodspeed: I’d take pleasure in guttin’ you boy. I’d take pleasure… in guttin’ you… boy. I’d… take… pleasure… in guttin’ you… boy.
Stanley Goodspeed: [while in a cell on Alcatraz] You broke out, let me see if I can get this straight, down the incinerator chute, on the mine car, through the tunnels to the power plant, under the steam engine - that was really cool by the way - and into the cistern through the intake pipe. But how, in the name of Zeus' BUTTHOLE!... did you get out of your cell? I only ask because in our current situation, well, it could prove to be useful information. *Maybe*!
[Mason does not answer, but opens up his prison door with an improvised tool]
Stanley Goodspeed: [Goodspeed hears noise from Mason's door opening] Mason?
[to Goodspeed's surprise, his own door suddenly opens]
John Mason: Trade secrets, my son.