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Most Embarrassing Moment?


Gold Belt
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I remember walking past my friend's room, he was getting things on with his girl, but I heard her say something like 'no, you do it like this' and I just heard a sigh from my friend lol.

What is your most embarrassing moment? Or a time you felt awkward af from someone?
That wasn't your most embarrassing moment, TS. That was maybe your roommates.

Unless it was really yours.
Walking in on my roommate beating off.

I fucked up during my speech.

I got destroyed during my internship interview last week.
You can't just leave off like that. His reaction? Yours?

We made eye contact and I helped him finish.


I fucking bailed man. I didn't come back until later and we acted like it didn't happen.

Speaking of which I got another embarrassing moment.
This was a couple years ago back in College(2014)

My friend is in the lounge area with some buddies playing cards. I wasn't playing but just hanging out, they said they needed some music so my friend asks me to go get his laptop and gave me his keys.

So I go to my friend's room looking for the laptop. As I am looking for the laptop, I hear someone messing with the door so I assumed it was my friend's roommate.

I thought it would be funny if I go into a corner and act like I was caught beating off. So I unzip my pants but still had boxers on and was in the corner faking the wanking motion. The door opens.....

It was My friend's roommate's Girlfriend.

I yelled "Oh shit!" She closes the door and leaves. So I ran to her, while trying to pull up my pants and explained I was just joking, that I wasn't really beating it. I tried shaking her hand but she looked at me in disgust.

Everytime I saw her after that it was always weird and we start laughing.
One time my girlfriend sat on my buddy's lap on the front seat while I was relegated to the back seat. I felt like such a beta. She gave me an iPad later which made me feel better in some ways but even more beta in other ways.

I really don't want to lose her because she's like a 10/10. We live in Boise. Anyway, got so sad and depressed, I want to McDonalds and bought five big macs, swapped the meat out for mc chicken patties, and five fries. I feel so depressed; mainly because you all fat shame me.
During a HS track practice I wrecked at full sprint speed in front of the entire girls track team. We were finishing up our last run, and because of that, being extra competitive and going all out. They were waiting for the lanes by our finish line and one of them obliviously wandered into the inside lane and right into my path.

I tried to avoid her but didn't have the space nor time and ended up eating shit for my efforts. I rolled, my face smacked the track, and I got a nosebleed. But at least I popped right up like a ninja and walked that shit off lol. My entire squad was dying laughing.
When I was a freshman I was fucking with a locker as my friend was opening his. Some huge 11th grade dude slammed my head into the locker then threw me. When I hit the ground I was unconscious for a few seconds and pissed myself. No one knew that but they all saw me get tooled. I cut my next class and hid in library. I got my revenge though. He was dating a girl I knew from class and I got to 2nd base with her at a poison concert.
Once during sex i threw a spinning backfist on my girlfriends nose.It left a black line on the top of her nose.

Even worse,as she was rolling on the floor in pain,i started laughing.(the thing where you laugh from embarassment and can't control it...)
Probably when one of my coworkers saw me posting on Sherdog.
Idk. Like embarrassing things happen to me all the time bc I'm socially awkward and all around weird. But nothing has been so embarrassing that I'd find it suitable for the thread. As spastic as I get about it in the moment, give it a day or two and it's just like . . . Meh. Lol xD

I guess what I find tho to be most embarrassing is when people see me being emotional. 99% of the time I keep myself closed off from people around me, so when they see that slip I get embarrassed x: like emotions are bad or something lol.
Once during sex i threw a spinning backfist on my girlfriends nose.It left a black line on the top of her nose.

Even worse,as she was rolling on the floor in pain,i started laughing.(the thing where you laugh from embarassment and can't control it...)
Lmao. That uncontrollable laughter always got me in shit growing up. and as I got older just made all my friends mad at me xD

I remember one night one of my guy friends fell down some stairs outdoors n was hurt. But I couldn't stop laughing n he got super pissed. I ran away laughing. I couldn't stop o:
Lmao. That uncontrollable laughter always got me in shit growing up. and as I got older just made all my friends mad at me xD

I remember one night one of my guy friends fell down some stairs outdoors n was hurt. But I couldn't stop laughing n he got super pissed. I ran away laughing. I couldn't stop o:
We were in an island hotel for vacation.I was laughing and screaming sorry.She run to the bathroom and i thought i am so fucked.

Then she came out and she was not mad at all.She even told me laughing :"WOW if you could hit so hard by accident,i wonder how strong you can be if you wanted to."I am not gonna lie proudest moment of my life up to that point!
One time on a 747 airplane, I was on one side of the plane. I was trying to open a cracker and couldn't get the packaging open. After forcefully trying for minutes it violently opened sending a cracker all the way across the plane hitting someone on the opposite sides. Those planes are huge so it had some major distance. The whole area around me was laughing. I still crack up just thinking about it.
Also, walking down a boulevard strip where cars cruise for fun and it's bumper to bumper. A girl I was into was driving by. She waved and I waved back and proceeded headfirst into a sign. It hurt like hell and all my friends were laughing as well as the girl I liked.
10th grade i had a bad stomach ache in science class and asked the teacher if i could leave. She said no so i sat back down. The girl next to me offered me a midol which i had never heard of i figured it was just a tylenol so i took it. It worked. Towards the end of class thd teacher asked me if i was feeling better i said "Yeah Amanda gave me a midol" The class absolutely roared. It was worse because i still didnt know why until someone explained after class. I never heard the end of that. That was sophmore year and i had midol comments in my senior yearbook lol