Most annoying singer...

They are boring and generic.
You can also add Zack de la Rocha to that list.

Lol @ de la Rocha being generic. The dude's band did a whole album of funk covers that sounded nothing like the originals and barely anyone that listened to it had any idea that's what it was. On top of that, he's got one of the most unique voices in all of Rock history. Calling him generic is lazy, hopefully you can think of more fitting words to describe why he isn't your cup of tea, but generic just doesn't apply to the dude.
Pink is fine by me, she's made some absolute bangers by female pop music standard and I kinda like her attitude/image.
Madonna is a good pick. Can't handle age, being not relevant anymore so ending up pathetic most the time. Yikes!

That Cardi B stripper chick seems pretty odd too.

And what about that cocksucka posting all these pics of Pink. 1 would be enough - we get it. Jesus Christ. This should never happen again.

@Red Beard oh wait that me...

You are getting worked, man?

It's one of my life's joys to be worked. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Lady Doo Doo

One of my favorite bits haha.

He looks like he's wearing a disguise. Alpha hairline though.

Pink is fine by me, she's made some absolute bangers by female pop music standard and I kinda like her attitude/image.

Do you work in a cubical?
They are boring and generic.
You can also add Zack de la Rocha to that list.

I came here to put Zack de la Rocha on the list if someone hadn't mentioned him. I can't stand the sound of that guy's voice. I honestly looked to see if Pandora had an exclude function because of him. I want to listen to metal without having to hear his whiny voice and ridiculous lyrics. (I often listen while exercising, and I can't easily hit skip if I'm in the middle of something.)
love me some pink

watched the live moulin rouge song and she was the only one who sounded like the studio recorded track. she got pipes and she is plainly attractive. like how Jamie lee Curtis is plainly attractive. make up does a lot for them and enhances their looks greatly depending on how much they put on
I came here to put Zack de la Rocha on the list if someone hadn't mentioned him. I can't stand the sound of that guy's voice. I honestly looked to see if Pandora had an exclude function because of him. I want to listen to metal without having to hear his whiny voice and ridiculous lyrics. (I often listen while exercising, and I can't easily hit skip if I'm in the middle of something.)
I think Zach is borderline retarded. His voice is annoying and his lyrics suck a huge red communist-anarchist cock, and so should he.
Amy Winehouse and Hozier
I never got the Winehouse thing, her voice annoyed the crap out of me. I liked one of her songs but that was a cover so doesn't really count. Rehab "no no no" is like nails down a chalkboard, can't stand it.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's a great performer, but at one point she seemed to be into everything and was everywhere. I was like "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!"

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