Morning Report: Joe Lauzon ruptures teammate Devin Powell’s testicle in training session


Feb 4, 2017
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“Thanks to the fine ambulatory services in Wells, ME, I am checked into the hospital and ready for surgery. Shout out to Joe Lauzon we’ve been practicing knees on the ground and he successfully ruptured my testicle with his sheer power. His opponent has no chance in April ... now to get the blood clot drained and the goods repaired . I waited a day and a half to be seen.. word for the wise, if you hurt yourself, go get checked out. Dana White, Sean Shelby, how about a NY UFC fight coming up... this will be quite the comeback story . Share this and help me get the ball rolling on my next Fight and follow my journey... pun intended”

Lauzon responded to the post on his own social media account, seemingly taking fault for the unfortunate situation.

Fortunately, Powell appears to be as healthy as his spirits now. A few hours after the initial post, Powell again took to Instagram to inform his fans that the surgery was a success and he hoped to return better than ever.

1) Always good to see this, considering what kind of an animal this “fighter” on the bottom is.
2) Missed opportunity for a Von Flue choke.
3) Joe Lauzon is a ballbreaker.
Joe "Johnny Cage" Lauzon.