More new millionaires, more wealth... why a taxcut?

Trump is great, finally we are recover the mindset that make this country as the greatest in the world.
Work hard,be free and keep what you gain.
I'm very small time when it comes to wealth in this country but I can see how easy it is for wealth, to bring in more and more and more and compound until eventually only the top few have everything.

Serious question are you a paid poster?
Your cadence reeks of script
But I specifically mentioned earning capita (assuming via income) to enter the market with. He will assumingly benefit from that.

I guess until plan is finalized or until TS informs us of his portfolio, it's a nebulous point -- either way, good to keep more of what you have.

I'm sure people will be appreciative when you give them your total gains.
What the fuck are you talking about with the last sentence?

Anyway, my point is the current proposals out there would raise taxes on people that contribute to a 401k plan and there’s no change for capital gains at this point. So I’m not sure what your angle is here.
I must admit that through the glorious market run of Obama and now the first year of Trump, my portfolio has done very well. It looks like the wealthy in the US have as well as Capgemeni is reporting the US has increased it's millionaire count to 4.8 million households!

Anna Zakrzewski, a partner at BCG, said the share of wealth held by millionaires is growing. BCG expects millionaires will own half of total global private wealth by 2021, up from roughly one-third 10 years ago. It looks like the rich are getting richer and gaining a larger and larger slice of the total worlds wealth... So why do we need a taxcut?
You need the tax cut so that the money they're accumulating can trickle down to the plebs.
Good for you for being financially astute by investing wisely and self sufficient enough to earn capital or endearing enough for loved ones to invest in you to invest in the market.

So, here, how about you keep more of what you obtained. If YOU choose to redistribute YOUR gains to others, feel free!

"If you make money with money, as some of my super-rich friends do, your percentage may be a bit lower than mine. But if you earn money from a job, your percentage will surely exceed mine — most likely by a lot" --- Warren Buffett
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Because having 2 houses is better than 1, duh.
So TS are you saying that capital gains should be taxed more?

If you are feeling guilty that you made money on the stock market, then a good way to address that is to spend that money locally at small business or something like that.

It's generally true that people who have money are more likely to invest in the markets, and that people in the markets tend to make money when the markets go up. Not sure how to get around that though.
Keep fighting that oligarchy by supporting lower taxes on the wealthy, IDL. You do you.
Keep fighting that oligarchy by supporting lower taxes on the wealthy, IDL. You do you.

It isn't that simple.

Also, if you think Oligarchy = millionaires then you are looking in the wrong place.
Because its unfair for the rich to pay more tax.

Literally the only reason.
It would be nice if people looked at what they're looking to cut. Thdy also keep changing how much the avg middle-class family would keep 1k, 2k, 4k.... it's like they're going to keep spouting numbers until they find 1 that the majority likes.
Okay Mr. Big time stock market but wants to pay higher taxes
"If you make money with money, as some of my super-rich friends do, your percentage may be a bit lower than mine. But if you earn money from a job, your percentage will surely exceed mine — most likely by a lot" --- Warren Buffett

Buffet plays games with that statement. He only took 80k in salary and the rest in stock options. And I'd venture a guess that his secretary only paid an effective tax rare of 11% or so.
Tax inequality is a real issue. People who are high earners pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. Even a flat tax system wouldn't fix the inequality as they would still pay too much. However with our crazy spending overseas and massive entitlements these taxes are necessary to cover the expenses. Until we stop policing the world and stop taking care of the lazy these immoral taxes are necessary.
Tax inequality is a real issue. People who are high earners pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. Even a flat tax system wouldn't fix the inequality as they would still pay too much. However with our crazy spending overseas and massive entitlements these taxes are necessary to cover the expenses. Until we stop policing the world and stop taking care of the lazy these immoral taxes are necessary.
Yeah, I mean hedge fund managers have to feed their kids right?

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