Monkey Jiu Jitsu lives on


Brown Belt
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Headlock escape

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That's great. I like how he stayed calm; very deliberate.

Unlike the monkey who tried to help him, haha. "ohshit ohshit", grabbing at the legs etc. Classy.
I was rooting for the croc :D hate to see a wasted submission
THis is still teh best animal fight video ever IMO...
3-way battle royale...Bison..Lions..Croc...
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Bah, just typical MMA style thuggery.
Real animal fighting takes discipline and practice.

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Yeah, but who goes for a headlock??? That is so 4th grade bully...
we still see it on occasion, like lytle against tiki.. let's not forget that an aligator has extra short arms which gives him an advantage with this sort of lock
Since everybody is bringing back old shit and this is my thread anyways, NOBODY can f*** with the Tomoe-Nage-Slampage-KNEEBARRING monkey!

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they should match up the judo monkey versus the karate monkey

I know organized animal fights is cruel but heck if I wouldn't pay to see that
That monkey must have been the resident badass for awhile after that. All his monkey friend were like, "OMFG, He pwnded that Croc. I mean who uses a headlock LOL"