

White Belt
Jan 22, 2006
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to all the mods, I come before you an agrieved man.
I have created this account to make a call to the mods.
I have been here at Sherdog for over 3 years under another name.
We who have been here for a while are FED UP with what this place has become.

How many threads must we suffer through that are complete assinine cries for attentiion?
just today , off the top of my head we have seen:
"why do all Brazilians break the rules?"
"has any fighter died in a sauna?"
"where is john hess?"
"who is Emelianko Fedor?"..............and of course the best of the day....
"best suplex ever"...which was a link to a video of?....if you said Pro Wrestling you'd be right!

these are just the tip of the iceburg...we have seen a decline here in the last year or more...but it is coming to a head lately. the amount of stupid trolling, fighter bashing or completely irrelevant threads has increased dramatically.
SO we propose this.....if a member has been here less than 3 months they can't start new threads.
that's simple, no?
it will stop people from opening an account and immediatly trolling. it will stop someone from opening an account for the pure purpose of asking a question that has been answered a million times . Hell lets make the FAQ the door through which the newbies must pass.
i know this is not a good time...late on a sunday....i'm going to try to keep this alive...
Stay calm, ok?
I really don't understand why you had to open a new account to express your feelings? Are you scared of white belts who will bash you for 'not respecting white belts'?
i thought that e'one here wanted MMA to become a mainstream so that fighters would get paid more, more money put into the business and more fighters could be signed.
I guess the part of the mainstream is - more people participating, more threads created (including stupid ones) etc.
I am really confused by the desire of some people to pretend that true mma expert is a person who posted 3000 posts, do you really think so???
I think that 'trolling' is a state of mind, which is not defined by the number of posts or join date.
PS. If your suggestion is accepted how would you create a new account and new threads then? I recommend you do it now, otherwise you will have to wait for 3 months
did you guys notice this got moved in less than 10 minutes?
this is fucking pathetic!
they let RETARDED fucking threads linger on the front page but somebody makes a good suggestion and it' shelved IMMEDIATELY....hey king kabuki! did you move this thread?
what are you afraid of? why not let the people see it?
why let fighter bashing, racism and all the other shit go, but you move this where you know it won't be seen ?
that's fucking sad......
This is definitly a worthwhile idea and I support it even though I technically fall under the three month time period. An interesting note, I have not created a single thread in my time here at Sherdog. I simply denied myself that option and will continue to do so until I feel a sufficient time has passed.

I am very familiar with forum programming and I am confident that implementing a three month waiting period of this type is very easy to do through the admin control panel. This isn't a difficult feature to incorporate.
MarcusAuerelius said:
Stay calm, ok?
I really don't understand why you had to open a new account to express your feelings? Are you scared of white belts who will bash you for 'not respecting white belts'?
i thought that e'one here wanted MMA to become a mainstream so that fighters would get paid more, more money put into the business and more fighters could be signed.
I guess the part of the mainstream is - more people participating, more threads created (including stupid ones) etc.
I am really confused by the desire of some people to pretend that true mma expert is a person who posted 3000 posts, do you really think so???
I think that 'trolling' is a state of mind, which is not defined by the number of posts or join date.

no i don't want to get double yellows and not be able to edit my are so fucking wrong i can't begin to explian it to you....just know that there is a whole other debate going on here that you don't even understand.
villin said:
This is definitly a worthwhile idea and I support it even though I technically fall under the three month time period. An interesting note, I have not created a single thread in my time here at Sherdog. I simply denied myself that option and will continue to do so until I feel a sufficient time has passed.

I am very familiar with forum programming and I am confident that implementing a three month waiting period of this type is very easy to do through the admin control panel. This isn't a difficult feature to incorporate.
thank you! i did the same thing when i came here. shit in three years i've started maybe 5 threads....i come here to discuss mma and we are innundated with stupid fucking crap nonstop. i have literally in real life told people to their face to shut the fuck up for saying things 1/2 as stupid as the stuff you read here.
Ehhh...Kinda lame. I been an MMA fan way before TUF. I only been to Sherdog for the last year and finally signed up in Nov. I agree kinda, its only some people that troll. You also have to take into consideration some of these guys are new and dont know shit. They have the same right to start a thread that you do so they use it. i dont know maybe someof them think MMA was invented right before TUF but you have to cut SOME of them some slack. Some people naturly arent the brightest, its like telling your dog to lick there balls, there gonna do it any way so deal with it. the three month thing, do you really think it will work? Your just tell the retards to wait 3 months to say something stupid. Some of these guys are genuine in trying to learn about MMA so cut em some slack. Did you reall make a new name to post this? You just did what you bitched about, be a man and use your real name. Oh by the way, i seen people who been here for a year or more post stupid shit too.
Ok - by your agitation I see - you know what you are talking about.
I have a better proposal - only jefferson(because he thinks he's wise), wamrage(because he IS wise), super super rambo (the dude is cool) and Evangelos (he will die without it) can create new threads. the rest should not even post without their permission
MarcusAuerelius said:
Stay calm, ok?
I really don't understand why you had to open a new account to express your feelings? Are you scared of white belts who will bash you for 'not respecting white belts'?
i thought that e'one here wanted MMA to become a mainstream so that fighters would get paid more, more money put into the business and more fighters could be signed.
I guess the part of the mainstream is - more people participating, more threads created (including stupid ones) etc.
I am really confused by the desire of some people to pretend that true mma expert is a person who posted 3000 posts, do you really think so???
I think that 'trolling' is a state of mind, which is not defined by the number of posts or join date.
PS. If your suggestion is accepted how would you create a new account and new threads then? I recommend you do it now, otherwise you will have to wait for 3 months

look i jumped all over you, my bad.....but mma discussion is NOT what most of these new threads are about...i saw a thread a couple weeks ago that was a link to a commercial for "doggy steps" and it fucking lingered on the front page for two days!
that is complete crap. go post that on or some shit
villin said:
This is definitly a worthwhile idea and I support it even though I technically fall under the three month time period. An interesting note, I have not created a single thread in my time here at Sherdog. I simply denied myself that option and will continue to do so until I feel a sufficient time has passed.

I am very familiar with forum programming and I am confident that implementing a three month waiting period of this type is very easy to do through the admin control panel. This isn't a difficult feature to incorporate.

Hey man, i started a few threads and none of mine are stupid. Wastland or Rickson by armbar isnt in one of them.
biohazrd said:
You also have to take into consideration some of these guys are new and dont know shit. They have the same right to start a thread that you do so they use it. i dont know maybe someof them think MMA was invented right before TUF but you have to cut SOME of them some slack. Some people naturly arent the brightest, its like telling your dog to lick there balls, there gonna do it any way so deal with it. the three month thing, do you really think it will work? Your just tell the retards to wait 3 months to say something stupid. Some of these guys are genuine in trying to learn about MMA so cut em some slack.
And that is exactly why a waiting period would be effective. They would gain the knowledge needed to not create stupidity in those first three months. Making them better members in the long run.
All i know is i paid so ill do what ever i want! LOL!! I do feel what your saying thou. It has pros and cons to it. Bottom line is i doubt they will do the 3 month thing.
I am not saying i am all wise(although i am)....i don't even start that many threads....i just think there should be some controll. there wasn't before and it worked fine....well guess what , it is broken now.
and yes...i think 3 months will slow down a lot of these assholes.(they don't have the attention span to wait 3 months to say retarded shit)
they will have 3 months to get shouted down within threads before they start their own...maybe it will teach them what is funny and whats least it's something.
jefferson said:
look i jumped all over you, my bad.....but mma discussion is NOT what most of these new threads are about...i saw a thread a couple weeks ago that was a link to a commercial for "doggy steps" and it fucking lingered on the front page for two days!
that is complete crap. go post that on or some shit
My bad for unnecessary sarcasm :)
I can understand what you are saying and understand how you feel, it is kinda blasphemy for the long time mma expert to see super suplex from wrestling posted here, but... please agree that the system itself - assigning belts for the number of posts make people open new threads if they cant understand what is in existing ones. There are a couple of people who posted 3000 posts in 3 months, what would be the value of the posts?
+ as I said it is part of the mainstream now, so as you say 'goes with the territory'
biohazrd said:
Hey man, i started a few threads and none of mine are stupid. Wastland or Rickson by armbar isnt in one of them.
Obviously this doesn't apply to all new users but waiting for a short time before you can create new topics is not a huge sacrifice for those of us who already know how to interact on the forum.

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