MMA Motivational Posters!

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Yes. Please keep this thread for MMA motivational posters only, not fight discussion or anything else. Go to the HWs if you wanna argue about who was right or wrong in the issue.

Fedor is the top of the highest rates, so that place was the best place to be at that moment in time in the MMA world. Tattoo UFC on your forehead.

UFC or not in the last year and half he has only fought UFC throw aways. Not even top 5 HW. Why don't you tattoo fedor on your forehead.
weak forrests camp told rogan about it, not like he telegraphed exactly what combo he would throw haha so that one is a fail imo

Honestly if you practiced throwing such a BASIC combo for your whole entire training camp, you seriously have some shitty standup.
weak forrests camp told rogan about it, not like he telegraphed exactly what combo he would throw haha so that one is a fail imo

Thats why i did this! In my opinion it is quite stupid to say everybody, what the first combo will be:)
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