MMA gloves for bagwork?


Orange Belt
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
I've been using MMA gloves a lot more in training lately to get used to them for grappling and striking. Lately we haven't switched out gloves for bag work so I'm using regular 4 oz gloves for bag work and its busting up my knuckles pretty bad on my left hand cause of my hook. Besides that the webbing between my fingers has been getting red bruising. I think I need bigger gloves but I noticed that "bag MMA gloves" have extended padding over the knuckles most likely to prevent busting open the knuckles, which regular MMA gloves don't have that padding.

the gloves i have feel comfortable but my hands look like im punching walls and i get teased about it. Is it common for this to happen with regular MMA gloves on the bag? Does this happen to anyone else? Should I just pick up some new gloves that are bigger? I almost feel like its dumb for me to be using these gloves for bag work but my instructor knows what he's doing so I just listen. I don't want to get new gloves if the same stuff is going to happen plus the gloves being looser i feel wouldn't be very beneficial.
I like using 16 oz boxing globes on the bag...I used to use the regular 4 oz ones but that fucked up my knuckles pretty bad. Try using heavy gloves and switch back to the lighter ones every once in awhile
Hand wraps + 14/16 oz gloves.

I use 16's.

Your instructor doesn't know what he's doing. Tell him a sherdogger said so, that should make him get his act right.
I like using 16 oz boxing globes on the bag...I used to use the regular 4 oz ones but that fucked up my knuckles pretty bad. Try using heavy gloves and switch back to the lighter ones every once in awhile

thats what I did forever but since MMA class has started you put on the 4oz and don't take them off til the class is over. So you go straight from rolling with light strikes to bag work. Its been useful getting my muscles used to the different combat systems in the same period of time but there is absolutley no time to switch because its also conditioning oriented.
thats what I did forever but since MMA class has started you put on the 4oz and don't take them off til the class is over. So you go straight from rolling with light strikes to bag work. Its been useful getting my muscles used to the different combat systems in the same period of time but there is absolutley no time to switch because its also conditioning oriented.

Are you using hand wraps too?
Hand wraps + 14/16 oz gloves.

I use 16's.

Your instructor doesn't know what he's doing. Tell him a sherdogger said so, that should make him get his act right.

haha, i can imagine him saying in his portugese accent "sherdogger!?!, what the fock is that man, tell it to shut the fock up cause its an idiot man." it puts a smile on my face when he swears and it sounds like he is trying to use a replacement word.

I don't use handwraps and I think that very well is my problem. I'm sure they wouldn't fit in my 4oz's which would lead me to buy a bigger pair making that pair fit snug like the ones i have now. if they did fit in my current ones I can see it fixing the red bruising in my webbing. doesnt seem like it would fix the knuckles though, oh well at least its a good direction for me to go. thanks guys
Definitely wrap your hands. And you don't have to go 100% on the heavy bags if you're training through a injury. Knock down the power a little, hit the bag 40%-60%. You'll still condition your shoulders while taking it a little easy on your hands.
You do NOT need to own 16 oz pillows. If youre gonna hit the heavy bag with mma gloves, two things
1. use wraps
2. go 70% and focus on accuracy. Problem solved.
Shaolin monks repeatedly punch concrete walls as training.
Consequently, they have rock-hard fists that don't get completely fucked just from properly punching another man's face, something that happens all to often for most of us.
Shaolin monks repeatedly punch concrete walls as training.
Consequently, they have rock-hard fists that don't get completely fucked just from properly punching another man's face, something that happens all to often for most of us.

Pretty sure that shit'll catch up with them later on down the line
Anyways, MMA gloves shouldn't be used on the bags, not enough wrist support, or protection. A good pair of H&L boxing gloves shouldn't take too long to slip on, if you're uncomfortable using 16oz, 10, 12, and 14oz are also fine.
Wraps or gel 'undergloves' if they will fit.

There's a balance to be found between conditioning your knuckles/wrist & fucking them up by wearing light gloves.

In an mma match you won't have 16oz pillows and in a real fight you won't have any gloves at all. So training bad habits that bite you (ie break your hand) come "fight time" isn't such a smart idea.
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You do NOT need to own 16 oz pillows. If youre gonna hit the heavy bag with mma gloves, two things
1. use wraps
2. go 70% and focus on accuracy. Problem solved.


if you do those 2 things, using MMA gloves on the heavybag is fine
I do not recommend it at all, use bag gloves but hey that is just my person preference.
If you are only working on speed and precision its really ok, but when working full power you may end injured, and always remember injured athletes can't train.

It's not about "the real situation moment" its about preserve your self to when you really need to work with mma gloves and bare knuckles.

I use 14oz plus gel wraps for training full blasts combos on heavy bag. but when i'm only working on new combos that i want to get faster and better, just mma gloves will work fine.

Training with heavier gloves also improves your conditioning, making keep your guard up easier later.
Wrapping or taping up the hands is critical. The knuckles will flatten and spread leading to gnarled hands relatively quickly regardless of using 4-16oz gloves. wraps should never be too tight or loose. Please be kind to your hands & wrap em'!!!
These might be the gloves for you based on what you've said so far:

Hayabusa Hybrid MMA Gloves Review

Not sure what else would suffice for your situation.


Padding on gloves like these are NOT for bag work. The padding is for sparring.

But if you are using MMA gloves, you absolutely have to wrap your hands (you should wrap your hands ANYTIME you hit something, whether you are using MMA gloves or 18oz gloves). Additionally, you need to reel in your power (both points have been made before).

Gloves marketed as MMA bag gloves are a gimmick though.

And for all those saying 16oz, sure, you can use 16oz on a bag, but I tend to see 8-14oz used more frequently for bag/pad work.
If you don't have 7oz MMA gloves, you should at least wrap your hands for heavy bag class.

Just out of curiosity, what brand/model gloves are you wearing?
i have 180" wraps and my 4oz gloves fit over them. I would suggest getting shorter wraps though because it is a tight fit. We don't use mma gloves for heavy bag work at my gym. The only time we use mma gloves is during ground and takedown work with ground strikes. I always wrap my hands even for the light striking ground work.

I think it would be much better for your hands to use bag gloves, but as you said the structure of the class doesn't allow time to change gloves, so make sure you wrap your hands well focusing on the wrist and the top of the hand to protect all those small bones!