man ever since reebok mma gear has died badboy hasnt produced anything good in 2 years its ad no good vale tudo shorts or mma gloves anymore everyone wants pride style gloves why doesnt someone make a replica of the pride gloves i dont get it?
man ever since reebok mma gear has died badboy hasnt produced anything good in 2 years its ad no good vale tudo shorts or mma gloves anymore everyone wants pride style gloves why doesnt someone make a replica of the pride gloves i dont get it?
badboys always been awesome but the last 5 years they have only produced garbage they dont use the old smirk logo only tiny eyes logos i wana seee a big fat smirk on the back of my shirt or shorts with different colors tons of valetudo shortsI haven't worn Badboy since it was cool in the late 90's...
the more companys the les prices are not many companys means higher prices for less cool looking prodocts mma glvoes cool ones are hard to come by like ouano windy twins grant all those good brands quit now we have shitty venum gloves rdx i just miss the cool ass shorts like ryu,koral,rvca ect