MMA Fans - A Call to Action

Will make a donation. MMA or country music or anything in between nobody should have to worry about things like this while enjoying life

You're absolutely right. They paid money for entertainment and didn't go there expecting this. Good on you for donating.
A sickening and disgusting act, just donated.
The call for blood donors is so important at times like this, i think type O+ is the most common and can be used on everyone?, so if you can blood is an important donation as money right now

You're right, blood donations are very, very important at a time like this with so many being affected all at once. Good on you for donating.
Horrible tragedy what happened. It is really amazing to see how much money has been donated in 12 hours though.
Donated. Thanks to all those that did also. Every little bit helps. Even if you think it's small, many people each giving a little equals to a lot.
Thanks for this thread. True class.

It is so sad to see all those innocent people die.

Stay strong Las Vegas.
I get paid this Friday and will try to help anyway I can.
Las Vegas is the fight capital of the world. With so many MMA/boxing events held there, the recent shooting tragedy kind of hits us "close to home".

At this moment there are 55+ confirmed deceased and 500+ injured. People that were just going to have a good time and couldn't have expected such a dangerous and tragic situation to transpire.

I've been following this tragedy now and am very saddened by what has happened. My condolences go out to the victims that so tragically lost their lives and their loved ones. I also hope for the recovery of those that were hurt and injured.

Many people are working very hard and tirelessly right now to help save as many people as possible. These moments right after the tragedy are critical.

So if you can help, please do.

Here's a a link to the GoFundMe page to help out the victims and families of the shooting:

Here's a link to the Las Vegas Metro PD's Twitter to get more information:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

And if you're in the area, donating blood would be very, very helpful:
And here is a link to contact your elected officials. It's time to remove these weapons of war from our society. How many men, women, and children have to die before we come to our senses?
I feel very sad for the victims. What happened was a horrible tragedy. However, poor people in the third world needs my money more, so I'm gonna spend my money there instead.
If in the area just donate blood and never post about thoughts and prayers if you can and don't. Blood doesn't cost you money.
Not sure if thats going to achieve anything but ok.
this has been discussed many times, and yes they do make a difference according to the victims. Are you a victim? no? then STFU making judgements when you don't know anything about anything :mad:
I'm not too clued up on healthcare in America, but I heard that some of the survivors can't afford there hospital bills?

Doesn't the government cover tragedy related health care?
My parents were in Vegas for this so it made it feel personal. I will donate, but probably through Red Cross. I'm always wary of any donation sites, and hate that people become rich through them. No charity site should be a private business IMO... but I digress.
My parents were in Vegas for this so it made it feel personal. I will donate, but probably through Red Cross. I'm always wary of any donation sites, and hate that people become rich through them. No charity site should be a private business IMO... but I digress.

I REALLY hope your parents are okay.
When Americans die, I can't help but think that these very same people are the ones who support a government that puts the rest of the world through far worse horrors than this little Vegas accident... As I wrote earlier, this is horrible, but you people should learn from this. Instead of just feeling sorry for yourselves, you should realize that this was nothing compared to the horrible things your government is doing around the world. If you wanna stop these insane killings, then start by confronting your government, because they make ISIS look like a kindergarten. Unless, of course, you're fine with mass killings as long as they're not taking place on American soil?
When Americans die, I can't help but think that these very same people are the ones who support a government that puts the rest of the world through far worse horrors than this little Vegas accident... As I wrote earlier, this is horrible, but you people should learn from this. Instead of just feeling sorry for yourselves, you should realize that this was nothing compared to the horrible things your government is doing around the world. If you wanna stop these insane killings, then start by confronting your government, because they make ISIS look like a kindergarten. Unless, of course, you're fine with mass killings as long as they're not taking place on American soil?

Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I have already clearly expressed my condolences and I feel very sorry for the innocent victims who had to go through this. I just want to make people aware that their pain is being felt all over the world and their government is responsible. Innocent people die in America and it's horrible, but in no way is it worse than when innocent people die in Iraq or anywhere else.

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