MLB Season V3: Everybody Gets Ejected Edition

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Cangels still have 3 more years of that can. Lmao
Ohtani to start Sunday vs the Astros

Love this dude, absolutely rakes. Already like 5 HRs above his career high as well. And on a long team friendly deal!
Dodgers have hit around 140 solo Home runs. They need to do better with men on base.
O NO! Poo Holes gone for season with knee scope!
I was actually pretty sad just because it hurts his chances of passing a few of the juicers on the all time homers list. Sucks to see a legend go down no matter how much they've regressed.
lmao @ Putos not being a juicer. It's not a coincidence his production went to shit as soon as he signed that huge deal.
How quickly people forget that Pujols was the best player for an entire decade regardless of what he did for the Angels. No different than the deal Griffey got before he went to Cincinnati and got hurt all the time.

Best player of the 90s and best player of the 2000s all got overpaid toward the end of their career.
Looks like Gio is going to the Brewers.. too little too late buds
The Indians got Josh Donaldson. I'm not sure how good he is anymore.
The Indians got Josh Donaldson. I'm not sure how good he is anymore.

He's still good when he plays. It's IF he can play, that's an issue. That calf has been nagging him for two seasons now, and it's not something that seems repairable. It's an unpredictable bitch of an injury.

Anyways, Jays fucking suck. Shapiro and Atkins suck. Everything sucks.
Boone went hard tonight at an atrocious ump. Kinda sounds like, from the post game interviews, he regrets it, but, if he's gonna have a long career as a manager, he's gotta get used to having to do it every so often
How quickly people forget that Pujols was the best player for an entire decade regardless of what he did for the Angels. No different than the deal Griffey got before he went to Cincinnati and got hurt all the time.

Best player of the 90s and best player of the 2000s all got overpaid toward the end of their career.
Could have sworn Barry Bonds was the best player of the decade you are talking about.
Bonds was also a better player than Griffey in the 90s lmao
The Braves should put GOATcuna at cleanup or something; all these homeruns to start the game with nobody on
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