'Misinformer of the Year' award goes to Mark Zuckerberg

I said nothing about the quality of Clinton as a candidate but she was definitely the front runner until Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon got involved in Trump's campaign, wasn't she?

she was the front runner until like 3 days before the election.
Is anyone else open to a policy that attempts to stop foreign governments from spreading propaganda on social media?

What about foreign governments from buying ad space on TV news stations?

I watch quite a bit of western international news channels (like CNN International) where the commercial breaks are a combination of these four things:

- Ads for government run airlines (Like Qatar Air, Turkish Air, etc.)
- Ads for upcoming CNN shows (sailing, racing, real estate reports, etc.)
- Ads for government tourism bureaus
- Ads for "Invest in Awesomestan: the 45th fastest growing economy within the Stanish Peninsula"

Plus, there are quite a few shows on international news channels that feel like they are ads for foreign governments or companies that are run by foreign governments:

"Next, on TechTalkToday, we will be visiting how the booming golf tourism business in Awesomestan uses the locally made E-Phones in designing their golf courses." Today's episode is brought to you by Awesomestan Tele

Now, if Awesomestan is giving lots of money to news broadcasts, will it impact the coverage of the country in future newsworthy stories? (like corruption, voter fraud, etc.)
What about foreign governments from buying ad space on TV news stations?

I watch quite a bit of western international news channels (like CNN International) where the commercial breaks are a combination of these four things:

- Ads for government run airlines (Like Qatar Air, Turkish Air, etc.)
- Ads for upcoming CNN shows (sailing, racing, real estate reports, etc.)
- Ads for government tourism bureaus
- Ads for "Invest in Awesomestan: the 45th fastest growing economy within the Stanish Peninsula"

Plus, there are quite a few shows on international news channels that feel like they are ads for foreign governments or companies that are run by foreign governments:

"Next, on TechTalkToday, we will be visiting how the booming golf tourism business in Awesomestan uses the locally made E-Phones in designing their golf courses." Today's episode is brought to you by Awesomestan Tele

Now, if Awesomestan is giving lots of money to news broadcasts, will it impact the coverage of the country in future newsworthy stories? (like corruption, voter fraud, etc.)
You raise good points. My initial reaction is advertising is perfectly fine and we make sure only propaganda stuff is blocked. That could get blurry and you raise some interesting conflicts of interest. I’m not sure what the answer is.
I said nothing about the quality of Clinton as a candidate but she was definitely the front runner until Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon got involved in Trump's campaign, wasn't she?
Trump is the king of bullshit and his base are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Not that I like Zuck but I don't see how he can be held responsible for misinformation on FB. The individual FB account owners create and disseminate the information, Zuck doesn't specifically direct or influence this content. It's not like Rupert Murdoch or Rojer Ailes guiding the direction of Fox.

Wednesday, Melber was back on the warpath, slamming Zuckerberg for denying that he knew that Facebook was susceptible to bots and Fake News prior to the U.S. election.

“That doesn’t look very true,” Melber said. “Because Facebook is a global company, and it was ground zero for this [Vladimir] Putin/[Rodrigo]Duterte playbook long before Zuckerberg was playing naive about Fake News after November, and repeating their mantra, ‘they’re just neutral.’ In fact, there was a whole scandal in that country, the Philippines, over fake news and bots and the election which was — wait for it — held in may 2016, long before ours.”

In a comprehensive report, Melber zeroed in on Facebook’s relationship with Duterte — who has overseen a violent drug war in which thousands of people have died in extrajudicial police killings. The Beat host ripped Zuckerberg for Facebook sending employees to train Duterte (along with the country’s other presidential candidates) to use the social networking platform.

Melber played a clip of Zuckerberg saying the company’s primary aim is to connect the world, not to make money.

“The argument is that Facebook’s primary business strategy is not about business,” Melber said. “Please.”

Wednesday, Melber was back on the warpath, slamming Zuckerberg for denying that he knew that Facebook was susceptible to bots and Fake News prior to the U.S. election.

“That doesn’t look very true,” Melber said. “Because Facebook is a global company, and it was ground zero for this [Vladimir] Putin/[Rodrigo]Duterte playbook long before Zuckerberg was playing naive about Fake News after November, and repeating their mantra, ‘they’re just neutral.’ In fact, there was a whole scandal in that country, the Philippines, over fake news and bots and the election which was — wait for it — held in may 2016, long before ours.”

In a comprehensive report, Melber zeroed in on Facebook’s relationship with Duterte — who has overseen a violent drug war in which thousands of people have died in extrajudicial police killings. The Beat host ripped Zuckerberg for Facebook sending employees to train Duterte (along with the country’s other presidential candidates) to use the social networking platform.

Melber played a clip of Zuckerberg saying the company’s primary aim is to connect the world, not to make money.

“The argument is that Facebook’s primary business strategy is not about business,” Melber said. “Please.”


I think FB and Zuck are douchey for working with authoritarian regimes and turning a blind eye in some cases to fake news peddling but I still don't think Zuck can be compared to guys like Murdoch and Ailes who proactively are involved in the direction of news with a specific ideological bent. Zuck at worst is negligent and shirking responsibilities, but that's different to actually pushing news with a certain agenda.
So Hillary spent 1.4 billion on her campaign and part of it was hijacked and funneled from the dnc.
The Russians spent a 100 grand on Facebook adds concerning controversial issues.

Dang, the Russians know how to get a lot of attention for a 100grand.


Providing new evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election, Facebook disclosed on Wednesday that it had identified more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on hot-button issues purchased by a shadowy Russian company linked

When not burdened with having to use the truth it opens up a sea of possibilities.

Also every campaigner knows negative press is the best value.
I think FB and Zuck are douchey for working with authoritarian regimes and turning a blind eye in some cases to fake news peddling but I still don't think Zuck can be compared to guys like Murdoch and Ailes who proactively are involved in the direction of news with a specific ideological bent. Zuck at worst is negligent and shirking responsibilities, but that's different to actually pushing news with a certain agenda.

Agree with that.
Leftists here need to inflate just how effective facebook is at "hacking elections". "It's really effective!"

Lol. No can't be Hillary was total dog-shit despite the mainstream media and polls backing her. But we are led to believe shitty facebook swayed people to vote for Trump lol.
That was convenient leaving out the quality of "the other candidate" in this discussion. Naw, that couldn't have anything to do with it, and apparently it still doesn't in a bunch of people's heads.
She was the front runner right up till they called the election. Remember that night? A lot of YouTube videos out there as a reminder.
And Obama loved to remind Trump the election would not be rigged. You know, back in the good old days when no one thought Trump stood a chance.

I never said it was the only factor in Trump's victory, but it was a substantial one. Find something else to whine about.
I said nothing about the quality of Clinton as a candidate but she was definitely the front runner until Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon got involved in Trump's campaign, wasn't she?

That was convenient leaving out the quality of "the other candidate" in this discussion. Naw, that couldn't have anything to do with it, and apparently it still doesn't in a bunch of people's heads.
She was the front runner right up till they called the election. Remember that night? A lot of YouTube videos out there as a reminder.
And Obama loved to remind Trump the election would not be rigged. You know, back in the good old days when no one thought Trump stood a chance.

I think FB and Zuck are douchey for working with authoritarian regimes and turning a blind eye in some cases to fake news peddling but I still don't think Zuck can be compared to guys like Murdoch and Ailes who proactively are involved in the direction of news with a specific ideological bent. Zuck at worst is negligent and shirking responsibilities, but that's different to actually pushing news with a certain agenda.

Don't forget about Soros. He has direct influence on Hillary besides investing heavily to influence American politics.


Poured Over $25 Million Into the 2016 Election
Soros contributed $8 million to the super PAC associated with Hillary Clinton this past year, and $2 million to American Bridge 21st Century, a PAC that targeted Trump. He donated $3 million to a PAC called Immigrant Voters Win, which seeks to get out Hispanic voters in key swing states. During the primary, he even contributed $488,375 to a PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate John Kasich, in the hopes it would prevent Trump from winning the GOP nomination.

He paid organizations to cause chaos at the Republican National Convention. He gave the left-wing activist race-related organization Color of Change $500,000 to collect signatures for a petition demanding that Coke and other sponsors withdraw their support from the convention. It worked, scaring off several corporate sponsors, and Coke only contributed $65,000, far less than the $660,000 it gave in 2012. Color of Change seeks to defund law enforcement agencies that don’t “defend black lives.”

Soros paid $500,000 to Brave New Films to create a fake petition requesting open carry at the GOP convention. He gave the ACLU $1.7 million for lawsuits that successfully gave protesters more access to Trump events.

As part of his effort to overhaul the U.S. justice system, Soros poured money into several law enforcement races around the country. He contributed a total of $9.6 million to defeat white Republican male DAs in particular, and replace them with minorities who favor a radical transformation of the justice system. He also injected money into Democratic primaries, to ensure the most radical Democrat won. He won all but two of the elections he funded.
I guess you can make the argument that most people at some point will do some ripping off, and no idea is original, but I think it has to do with the way he done the deed. If I a small timer, I probably not going to invite Zuck over for drinks so I can make a pitch to him.
Facebook is a cia tool. Zuck is a fraud. Good story wasnt it