Milo Twitter account suspended for hurting Leslie Jones' feelings


R.I.P. Obie
Jun 30, 2015
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Milo gave a less than favorable review of Ghostbusters, which makes sense because it is abhorrent, so she claimed racism for saying a black person wasn't good in a movie so the Twitter owner Jack who most likely sits down to pee suspended his account.

Chalk up another one for leftist pussies who can't handle the truth.

They banned a lot of users over that. She got trolled bad by a 4chan group and some people on the Opie and Anthony sub
They banned a lot of users over that. She got trolled bad by a 4chan group and some people on the Opie and Anthony sub
Well some of them actually said bad shit that warranted some accounts being suspended. Milo did not.
Lol, he's not telling any "truth." He's just a fucking troll, and you are two turds short of a pile if you admire a blatant con artist like that.
Lol, he's not telling any "truth." He's just a fucking troll, and you are two turds short of a pile if you admire a blatant con artist like that.
So that warrants a deleted account? Cool story kiddo.
Saw the movie and he was absolutely right -- and she was by far the worst actor in it -- beyond brutal -- bucky larson bad.

Not sure what Milo said, but if was critiquing her, he would dead on.
Hitchens had a point. Women didn't need to evolve to be funny to score with the opposite sex.
Lol, he's not telling any "truth." He's just a fucking troll, and you are two turds short of a pile if you admire a blatant con artist like that.
He's racist for not liking the movie. Am I doing it right?
Bad look for Twitter. Censoring him like this will just sway more people to his side. If people can pray for cops to die on twitter, he should be allowed to say a movie sucks lol.
heard this guy on the joe rogan podcast and he sounded like a drama queen who knows just enough about certain subjects to be somewhat entertaining for a little while before his shtick gets tired.




I case you were wondering, all of these accounts are currently active on twitter. I guess only conservatives qualify as "hate speech"
Ouch. I think we understand the agenda. ^
Anyone have what he said?

I have seen some ridiculous bad hate speech directed at trump and Republicans that get their own trending section -- and obviously racist things as well towards minorities (but those get deleted quicker)

So his jab at safe space for blm and islamists but a firing squad towards conservatives has validity
I haven't seen the actual tweet but read that he stated Leslie Jones was "almost illiterate" and referred to her as man-like.