Milk bad before night?


Yellow Belt
Feb 24, 2007
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Should I mix MM with water or 2% milk? My goal is to bulk and gain muscle but not gain fat. Im 18 so I might be still growing but Im wondering what you guys think. Supposively milk has a high insulin index?
Taste-wise, milk ftw.

Since you seek to gain weight, then the extra calories from milk would be fine. I tend to use either water or green tea for the base of my mixables.

And, uh, you seek to minimize fat loss?
You're better off eating some cottage cheese or a casein protein before bed.
Taste-wise, milk ftw.

Since you seek to gain weight, then the extra calories from milk would be fine. I tend to use either water or green tea for the base of my mixables.

And, uh, you seek to minimize fat loss?

i corrected my post. I seek to gain muscle not fat. So the question is, is milk bad for my purpose?
You're going to have a hard time trying to gain significant muscle without adding some fat. You shouldn't worry about a little fat gain if you want to bulk.

i corrected my post. I seek to gain muscle not fat. So the question is, is milk bad for my purpose?

Don't be such a woman

Don't worry about a bit of fat here and there.
Although you can bulk without putting on much fat at all, its a pain in the arse and not as efficient.
Fat helps support the immune system and hormone production.

Plus, mate, you're only 18.
Put on fat and burn it off in a few weeks.
Don't worry about it
I cut out milk from my pre-bedtime shake. I just go with fat free cottage cheese and some whey. The carbs before bed fuck with your body's natural production of GH.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
I cut out milk from my pre-bedtime shake. I just go with fat free cottage cheese and some whey. The carbs before bed fuck with your body's natural production of GH.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks

I'm pretty sure that insulin does something negative to GH, but I don't think the amount of carbs in the milk and the insulin produced is something to get worried about (optimally yeah, not insulin spike to best, but its not something to stress over).

I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will pip in to tell me :icon_chee