Mike Perry talks about about scuffle he had with Jeremy Stephens at the UFC Retreat.


"My style is kneeing people in the face."
Nov 8, 2015
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Mike Perry got into a scuffle with Jeremy Stephens when Stephens allegedly got up on his girl. Via BJPenn.com:

“I pushed Jeremy Stephens to the ground,” he said. “We were at the Snoop Dogg concert. Cris ‘Cyborg’ had punched that one girl in the face on the second day. On the first night, they got between a couple of fighters, but they didn’t even touch each other. But then Jeremy Stephens tried to dance up on my girl, and he knew it was my girl. It was at the end of the night. Snoop had already come out, and I had been killing it, dancing with my girl all night. Jeremy Stephens walks up on her, and mid hip-thrust, as he was about to maybe make contact with her body, I pushed that mother fucker hard as I could, double-hand to his chest, and he fell on the ground. He was mad as hell but he didn’t do shit.”

“He was trying to be a dick, but he’s 145 pounds, he doesn’t want these problems,” Perry continued. “Who the fuck is that guy, bro?”

He was probably thinking who the fook is that girl as he was walking to her
LOL I didn't know you were allowed to bring your family there or girlfriend, I thought on the memo it was all paid for fighters only.
LOL @ stephens trying to get his freak on with Platinum Princess.

He's lucky Perry didn't give him a Berger hellbow across his beak.
Mike Perry is the fighter Jermey Stevens has been pretending to be his entire career.
Stephens should have integrated his spine into a functional integration pattern to be more integrated with the movement of integration and put his spine into it organically so that the integration could have desintegrated Platinum's shoving organically

Insecure guys jealous of anyone talking to their girls. A woman is capable enough to tell the guy to fuck off
As a side note, I am starting to feel bad about Jeremy Stephens. Conor rebranded him for life, in some twisted, Press Conference version of Machida giving us the Shadface.
Pushing a guy to the ground who doesn't expect it is not that hard. He's bragging like the arrogant ass he is. He makes sure to mention he pushed him to the chest to avoid any backlash and cheap shot comments, when he probably just pushed him from behind or to the side. I don't know though.