Miesha Tate/Holly Holm Shadowboxing

Miesha is just moving her arms and even has her palm open a couple of times, Holm is just straight up murking the oxygen.
Love that contrast in their shadowboxing. Holly is fucking the air and Miesha is relaxing the air.
You should see Miesha's pummeling... pathetic!
It looks like Miesha is just focusing on the movements whereas Holly is actually shadow boxing. I'd be a much bigger Holly fan if this is the one that showed up from the beginning of her UFC run.
common people its not even fair to compare .
Meisha is gonna get torn up on the feet.
It's all because of the music. You have to move to the rhythm.
Holly is getting ready for that ULTRAAAA COMBOOOOOO!!!
i've been saying it for awhile, that i felt that miesha was gonna get royally fucked over

being durable isn't a trait you wanna bank on against a deadly opponent. it just means you're gonna be that much more fucked up when you do lose

who knows, tho. this is mma and an upset could go down