Micheal Bisping working his son to living death

I mis
My high school age son wrestles (and has for a decade) and nothing makes me more proud than watching him do the work (well his grades are first, but still lol). The wins and losses do not matter because I know how hard he works.

Edit: And to all you young guys on here who plan to have kids one day, get them in wrestling. The work they put in as a team and the individual aspect cannot be beat. I'm going to miss watching him more than anything.
I miss my two boys awfully It's so bad
That's not t
You have some time, but not much. Just whatever you do, do not go to 40 w/o. You will reach the point of no return and just remain a child the rest of your life LoL

PS. cutoff for women is 30yr, if they dont pop a kid by then then you get the crazy cat-lady type cause she doesnt know what the hell to do with herself, or one of those late religious types that follow one hard late in in life LoL
that's not entirely true. Men can have kids into their 80s. You just got to find a lady young enough to procreate. I had kids much later than 30.
Also because of the thread title…

lollllllll that chair hit Dana right in face he look like such a beta there without roids no wonder he hates shamrock he rocked dana with the chair
I saw Bisping and his son years ago at a few different BJJ tournaments here in SoCal. He was actually a cool guy.
I saw him at the UFC on FOX 1 show in Anaheim years ago. When he walked out the whole crowd booed him and he hammed it up, then proceeded to spend the next hour graciously taking pictures with everyone who asked for one, including me and my wife. He was a perfect gentleman.
Bisping seems like a real solid bloke in person. A real one. Weird to think considering he used to piss me off for pretty much the entirety of his ufc career
Just an observation ...
That was a sweet moment between father and son though, with his boy hugging him and hanging on his back. I have two sons, an Army Sgt and a Lance Cpl Marine. I'd give anything to have a time like that again

Cat's in the Cradle
and the Vampire life,

Nah. ;-/

Anyway, it sounds like they want the military to be their careers. Five and two promotions, respectively. Good for them.
Bisping seems like a real solid bloke in person. A real one. Weird to think considering he used to piss me off for pretty much the entirety of his ufc career

He was a cocky-ass Brit.

I went from hate, to love-hate, to love. He played the villain for a bit.

In this video you posted he does look like his twin lol.

I thought his son was a bit of a beast? Is this the younger one?
Needs to teach him to force those inhales through the nostrils. Recovery is so much better.
Bisping seems like a real solid bloke in person. A real one. Weird to think considering he used to piss me off for pretty much the entirety of his ufc career
yeah i used to think he was a dick but he has won me over think he is a good dude and father
i feel bad for cheering him getting h bombed he didnt desrve to lose a eye
he fought blind in one eye for a while and never complained unlike some other fighters who always have excuses
When his son let go of him for a moment he stagers like he’s 12 beers deep and his eyes roll around in his head , luckily he didn’t face plant .
Must be tough trying to keep up with the old man when he’s a pro athlete

His sons a state champ wrestler I believe about to do Olympic Trials for team Great Britain.
Mike's shape, probably some boxing event coming

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